1: Assuming you’ve paired it to your Hub already & the reason for resetting it is due to it not responding correctly. If so proceed to step 2 , if not stop here this reset is not for you.
2: Leave your bulb configured in your’e ST hub don’t even open your ST App, & proceed to step 3.
3: Physically reset your light by either the lamp switch (as long as not a three way switch) or by unplugging your power cord 5 times & plugging it back in as so the light turns on (waiting 3 sec in between cycles). After the 5th time your light will confirm reset by blinking & changing colors. If so proceed to step 4 if not stop here & redo step 3.
4: Open your ST App on your phone select connect new device, then select lights & switches, then select bulb, then select OSRAM & pick your correct bulb & connect now. Once your bulb blinks proceed to step 5, if your bulb doesn’t blink start at step 3 again.
5: Your bulb just blinked however connecting doesn’t see the device, don’t worry this is a correct response. Close the connect now screen & go to the Things screen on your App, you should see your lightbulb there. Turn on & off testing it to make sure it’s working correctly & if it is your done Stop Here. If it is not proceed to step 6.
6: If this is your second time doing either step 3, 4, or 5 & nothing is working then you need to delete the Bulb from the ST Hub & re-pair it following the instructions that came with your lightbulb.