I have 9 Osram Lightify Zigbee bulbs, Most are color. As it turns out the need for them to try to repeat the zingbee signal is cause them to lose connection make motion sensors not work right and turn on and off the bulbs randomly. I have a carp load of these things and not really anymore zingbee devices. So I have constant problems with my whole setup. It is not a small deployment. I have been using ST From the very beginning. So I really need this to work. To ditch the whole system is not an option. To ditch the Bulbs is not the greatest either because I do not have the cash to go out and buy Hue. So now what? Does anyone know a way to fix these crazy things. I have seen people use the Philips hue hub, the Wemo link hub, and the Osram hub. The hue works kind as does the Wemo( wemo doesnt change color?) and the Osram hub but as I understand it the Osram hub does not talk directly with ST. There seems to be no real option here. Has anyone come up with a way to fix or work around this issue without having to reset them up every couple of days? Or did I just throw the cash down the drain.
On the complaint side. I know compatible does always mean works well, But I do not believe it means breaks all the other stuff.