I am trying to check my device fingerprint from IDE but i cant find it
My device using Edge driver.
Can anyone help please?
There are a few optionsthat I know of
- Use the CLI on a PC
- Use the Simple Device Info Viewer
- Use the ZigBee or Z-wave Thing driver by Mariano_Colmenarejo
- Use my.smartthings.com
Thank you so much @Terri_Baker
it is much appreciated
Thanks @Terri_Baker,
I use my.smartthings.com but cannot see where to find device fingerprints (for Edge or Groovy devices).
I have used the CLI to install my own Edge drivers (Secure SRT thermostats) so I will try to figure out how to get device fingerprints when I get home in a week.
Cheers, Aidan
I’m in the same boat. I tried Simple Device Viewer and my.smartthings.com but not sure how to view the device fingerprints. Is it a portion of the “deviceManufacturerCode”?
Fingers prints are a combination of the manufacturers code and model. For Z-Wave the manufacturers code included the model.
You can now see the fingerprint in the official web interface to your SmartThings account, as @Paul_Oliver said, it’s the combination of the manufacturer code and the model.
See the following community FAQ, it has screenshot examples.