Hi folks, currently I am using Orvibo dh, thers also a Hive dh, problem is, one or the other only shows either temp or motion, neither will do both, I asked on the fb group regarding this and they said there’s an Edge driver now, well, my search on here yielded little help, can someone please advise? Thank you.
Hi and thank you for the reply, i follwed the link and then found what i think is it on github, is it just me or is setting edge up a lot more involved compared to using device handlers, it looks quite complicated for my brain, again, thank you.
HI, thanks for the reply and link, sadly, when i go to login, it accepts it then the Samsung spinny thing for waiting shows and that’s it, it just keeps spinning
I have tried and I can access correctly
@Ashley69 Can you access?
There may be some problem in the servers in your area, I don’t know
Thanks for looking into this for me, its the same username and password for here, they are already in chrome’s vault to its all done using my fingerprint. I will try again tomorrow using a proxy in case there’s an issue from me to there if ya know what I mean. There’s always sommat lol
Just tried it with a vpn proxy set to the USA and tried chrome, still the same, tried the Samsung browser and it gave me this errrot
An unexpected error occurred
Sorry about that.
We have logged this error for support. If this error persists, email us at support@smartthings.com with the Reference ID and Error Time included below.
- Reference ID: df5c5bda-adbc-444d-9618-2146abf2f89e
- Error Time: 2022/02/21 18:08:51
Sadly still the same, thank you for persisting with me.
I am logging in with my Samsung account, not a smarttings account login, i don’t have a Smartthings login, I’ve always only ever had Samsung, that’s how i login to my hub and Device Handlers etc
Much appreciated, thank you
This is channel link
That works great, thank you
I’m not sure which ones are for the hive motion and door switch, please.
Is this whole idea different to adding device handlers?
Thanks ever so much for the help, I have added 1 hive motion and 1 hive door sensor so far, just to test this. In st the motion sensor has, battery, motion and temp. The door switch is only show battery and switch, no temp, does that mean I’ve installed the wrong contact switch perhaps? Although, I only see one contact in there, the other contact switch is for ecolink, Thank you again for your help guys
Does anyone have experience with this outdoor light with sensor? The sensor should work at a height of 6 meters, which is nice at our company.