Hire Recycle timer / repeat on off command / cycle smartapp developer?

So i am in need of a way to turn a device on for xx seconds then off for xx seconds and repeat this over and over again till you tell it to stop. typically the minimum run and off time would be 30/30 also need to make it pretty for my users to change. I’m happy to pay someone to develop this. Also is it possible for this command to run local on gen 2 smart things so that if the internet goes down it will still function?

Not as a smart app. At the present time, no custom code can run locally.

It might be possible to put a version on a vera lite that could run locally, with a vera lite as a Z wave secondary to Smartthings, but then you’re adding an additional $90 cost to the project.

I’m not sure what else you want this to hook into in a smart things account , but there are a lot more reliable and less expensive device timers than SmartThings if that’s all you need.

Actually, as I think about it, if you’re willing to use physical switches rather then virtual switches, you might be able to get this to run locally just with smart lighting in a daisy chain set up.

I don’t remember, is there a power manager feature in smart lights now? So that the switch will turn itself off after X seconds? Or do you have to use a separate smart app for that?

There is a power allowance. And SL is exactly how I’d do this to be local.

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Do you know what screen it’s on?

You have to select turn off.

But I think you can do this plain jane with an on, then off. Let me mock one up.

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Power Allowance is under Select Trigger and is in minutes.

Smart lighting would not be very precise. I would guess the deviation is 10-20% on a short schedule. That is one of the reasons they moved scheduling to a minute minimum, and even then its not uncommon to go over by 10 seconds.

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Oops, seconds! I think only a DTH and maybe CoRE (maybe) could do this.

But then it’s not going to run locally…only the official smart lighting automations can run locally at present.

Yup. One minute cycle at best using SL Power Allowance.

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OK, found it, thanks! :sunglasses:

And, yes, it’s minutes. And we would have to use actual physical switches in order to have it run locally, couldn’t use virtual switches.

But you could do it with just smart lighting as follows:

  1. switch A turns itself off after one minute.
  2. switch B (Which is functioning as your your delay timer) turns on when switch A turns itself off.
  3. switch B turns itself off after one minute.
  4. switch A turns on when switch B turns itself off.

The cycle then repeats indefinitely. In fact, the only way to get it to stop is to change these automations.

You change the timing just by opening that automation and changing it.

So this creates a cycle. It can run locally as long as both switch A and switch B are physical switches using stock device handlers that are eligible to run locally.

It is not going to be very precise. It could easily run for a minute and 15 seconds during one cycle, and a minute on the next cycle. It should never run for less than a minute.

The UI is OK, but not very intuitive because you have four completely separate automations that have to be maintained.

And it requires an extra physical device to act as the delay timer.

So I think a custom smart app would be way easier to use and much prettier. But it won’t give you local operation if it’s a SmartThings smart app.

Which is why I come back to my original question, why do this with smartthings at all? There are lots of device timers available. So what else is going to need to hook into this to justify doing it with SmartThings? :sunglasses:


the deviation doesn’t have to be precise it is a misting system like at disney world for example here was one of the first users that was using it https://www.facebook.com/jayalday/videos/10208701921119837/
so if it stays on for 40 seconds instead of 30 it’s not a big deal the reason you do this with a misting system is in higher humidity climates having the system run constant sometimes is too much so you cycle it in this on off fashion to lower the total amount of water your putting into the area.


well because right now i have a board made in china and the ability is there it just needs someone to write some code and then instead of using hardware the cloud is acting as the hardware cost savings and more functional the user can set the on and off time from his phone rather than walking over to the pump and adjusting it but why spend the money on hardware for something the cloud can do? having it run local just to me made more sense as i’ve heard sometimes smart things servers can get overwhelmed

I’d write it cloud first and submit it. May never get approved, but at least that’s the process.

Why not just use this? https://www.amazon.com/Titan-Controls-Digital-Short-Cycle/dp/B00AKEOQWE/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1468373909&sr=8-5&keywords=repeat+cycle+timer

Or an equivalent device…

I think the point is that the OP wants a Device timer with an easy-to-use phone app as it may not always be convenient to go to the physical device to reset it.

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So now that we’ve kicked around all the alternatives, I’m assuming that if anyone wants to apply for this gig they will private message the OP. :wink:

@tgauchat might know someone.

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I can help you with a Raspberry PI3 with a GIO relay and a (secure) web interface to allow changes to the interval, if that fits your needs. I am sure lots of other users here can help you do the same. What board (from China) do you have?

Yup… I’ve PM’d and am reviewing specs. Thanks, JD!


it’s a custom one we have made for us :slight_smile: really basic but works with a remote etc the goal is to stop using that and simply use the cloud! who wants to go push buttons and mess with clunky timers that’s what this entire board is about appreciate you guys looking at it objectively though! :slight_smile:

seems it would be more cost than what we have now without the added benefit of smart things right now I get my device and remote made for around 25$ so large volume of zwave outdoor plugs and now just the added cost of smart things but then the user has an entirely different experience.