We have installed ST in our supermarket for the purpose of monitoring the temperature of the fridges.
The network is maintained and managed by an external contractor.
ST can not make connection to the Samsung server due to active port blocking. UPNP is not enabled and all ports are blocked. The only way to get any port opened is to supply the internal AND external IP address. We have supplied them with the ports and internal IP, but they refuse to open the ports to they require the destination IP. Can anyone please help me with this info or point me to the correct place?
Is the correct IP? It also look a sif ST uses amazon aws?
Contact Support@SmartThings.com
Or snif the network / temporarily use a Firewall to examine the traffic.
SmartThings likely uses a range of AWS addresses and perhaps some ad hoc ones for various purposes.
SmartThings is not approved for commercial use (reference the Terms of Use), so don’t expect them to be particularly helpful for your case.