I need some help with creating a DH for this product: http://3asmarthome.com/zigbee-smart-dimmer-switch
It’s a 3 gang light switch. No dimmers (despite the link above).
I have the device paired with ST. I’ve been using this DH for a week or so: KUDLED - UK 1/2/3 Gang Switch
I can turn all three lights on and off via the ST app. However, if I turn turn the actual light switch on, it is NOT updated in the ST app. I’m not sure how to figure out the inclusters and outclusters. The endpoints are 13, 12 and 11. I’m using 3 virtual switches (simulated) and binded the 3 switches to the 3 virtual light switches using the kudled smart app above.
I have re-paired the device to get the catchall, and these are below.
zbjoin: {“dni”:“BF8A”,“d”:“00124B000CB562D2”,“capabilities”:“8E”,“endpoints”:[{“simple”:“12 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000”,“application”:"",“manufacturer”:“Feibit Inc co. “,“model”:“FB56+ZSW1IKJ1.7”},{“simple”:“11 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000”,“application”:””,“manufacturer”:“Feibit Inc co. “,“model”:“FB56+ZSW1IKJ1.7”},{“simple”:“10 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000”,“application”:””,“manufacturer”:"Feibit Inc co. ",“model”:“FB56+ZSW1IKJ1.7”}],“parent”:“FFFF”,“joinType”:255}
Raw Description
12 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000
These are the errors in the log when I turn the actual light switch on and off at the switch.
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: script15076185314711992021779.zigbeeCommand() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [6, 2]
Possible solutions: zigbeeCommand(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
Another error is this: ava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property ‘sourceEndpoint’ on null object @ line 202
The second is line 202 of the Kudled DH