Help with new DH for Aust 3 Gang light switch - catchall included

Interesting. I deleted my 3 gang switch, and repaired it with ST hub. It automatically paired with your 2.1 device handler, and now the app will command the 3 lights from my phone. However, the incoming message from the physical light switch is still broken, same errors in the log. It’s beyond my coding abilities to fix.


Hi simic,

Thing is I tried running a routine in ST. But it doesnt work on the double or triple switches. Strange thing is turning on and off via the ST app does work. The routines work on the single switch, along with the app.

Are you able to help with a DH? I’d imagine it would be pretty similiar to the KUDLED DH that you created.

Here is the Catchall from pairing.
zbjoin: {“dni”:“973C”,“d”:“00124B000CB562D2”,“capabilities”:“8E”,“endpoints”:[{“simple”:“12 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000”,“application”:"",“manufacturer”:“Feibit Inc co. “,“model”:“FB56+ZSW1IKJ1.7”},{“simple”:“11 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000”,“application”:””,“manufacturer”:“Feibit Inc co. “,“model”:“FB56+ZSW1IKJ1.7”},{“simple”:“10 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000”,“application”:””,“manufacturer”:"Feibit Inc co. ",“model”:“FB56+ZSW1IKJ1.7”}],“parent”:“FFFF”,“joinType”:255}

Here are some more details.
Raw Description
12 0104 0002 00 04 0000 0005 0004 0006 01 0000

Really wish I could get it going, but dont have the coding skills.

Thanks, George.

Contact @netsheriff

He modified my DH and got a working DH + smartapp for feibit.

U do know that u have to create virtual switches and bind it to switch #2 and #3 with a smartapp before it can be called by Alexa or routines?

It’s a shortcoming of st platform.

Thanks. I’ve tried contacting @netsheriff but his is broken too.

Yes, I’m aware of the virtual switches and have created them and have bound them using your app binder.

I think the problem is multiple endpoints on the same cluster.

It will cheerfully report a single end point state, but throws up errors with multiple endpoints.

So maybe have to send a manual read all command to get the correct endpoint information?

At my house, the problem is the sending of the zigbee info stream (catchall??) from the device to the ST hub. I can turn the actual switch on and off from the ST hub. But nothing from the device is updated in the Hub. Is it possible to remove all cluster information from the If statement, and just make it endpoint dependant?

I have enlisted the help of the Feibit tech to see if we can improve the DTH. To be honest I think it is a bit of a failing of Smartthings itself and does not support multi endpoint zigbee devices very well.

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You have to carefully catch the catchall as u turn on and off endpoints 2 and 3.

And then update the relevant sections of the if else statements.

in the case of kudled, it returns different catchall, depending if the physical button was pressed or if the on/off was called from the app.

if ((descMap.command==“0B” && descMap.raw.endsWith(“0100”)) || (descMap.command==“01” && descMap.raw.endsWith(“1001”))){

        if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "12") {   
			return	[type: "switch", value : "on"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "11") {   
     		return	[type: "switch2", value : "on"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "10") {   
 			return	[type: "switch3", value : "on"]


	else if ((descMap.command=="0B" && descMap.raw.endsWith("0000")) || (descMap.command=="01" && descMap.raw.endsWith("1000"))){
		if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "12") {   
			return	[type: "switch", value : "off"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "11") {   
     		return	[type: "switch2", value : "off"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "10") {   
 			return	[type: "switch3", value : "off"]
    else if (descMap.command=="01" && descMap.raw.endsWith("2000")){
		if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "12") {   
			return	[type: "switch", value : "off"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "11") {   
     		return	[type: "switch2", value : "off"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "10") {   
 			return	[type: "switch3", value : "off"]
    else if (descMap.command=="01" && descMap.raw.endsWith("2001")){
		if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "12") {   
			return	[type: "switch", value : "on"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "11") {   
     		return	[type: "switch2", value : "on"]
    	else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "10") {   
 			return	[type: "switch3", value : "on"]

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Hi, anyone got this working yet?

Could I suggest buying aqara or atsmart switches? There are working DH for those.

They are wide voltage. 110-240v but not sure if your country uses 86*86 form factor for the wall outlets.

Still not working for me. I was hoping with the Hub update it might start working again, but alas no.

Has anyone seen this? Seems very promising. Going to try it out now with the in/out clusters

Thanks for these instructions. I have the Dimmer which seems to be trickier than the gang switches.

I cannot get the zbjoin message despite holding and releasing for the button:

  1. When the red light comes on (after about 5 seconds)
  2. after the LED flashes (after about 10 seconds)

The best indication I know that the dimmer is doing something. when I switch the light at the panel I do see this catchall:
catchall: 0104 0006 0B 0B 0100 00 86ED 00 00 0000 01 01 0000002001

Any clues on triggering the zbjoin message?

OK, I will solve my own problem…

Without getting any jbjoin message, I managed to get a ‘read attr - raw’ message by playing with the +/- on the dimmer panel.

It was then a matter of grabbing the DNI address (Device Network ID) and setting up MyDevices following the instructions.

Now I am pretty happy and will try some of the other switches (which hopefully connect easier than the dimmer)

Hi All

I had posted this as a new topic but was advised to post here.

I am so new to this world I don’t really feel I should be posting here but I have nowhere else to go.

I have two of these 3 Gang Switches (The 3asmarthome 3 gang switch/HUI Feibit 3 gang switch.)

They are installed and working but I haven’t been able to set up the virtual switches so can not automate anything or use Google Home.

I have had assistance from the supplier and spent hours looking here but am sadly completely lost.

The DH I am using is “HUI ZigBee Wall Switch 3 Gang V.2.1”

And the Smart App “erocm123 : Virtual Device Sync”

These load fine just they don’t do anything. When running the app it fails to see any detected end point? Please see attached pic.

I am happy to pay someone much smarter than me to help fix this for me.


Yeah, I dont think it is yet working with Smartthings. I can get the first endpoint to work with a different smart app binder (SmartApp Binder for HUI Feibit Zigbee 3 gang switch).

However, the second and third endpoints are a bit fiddly. I’ve not been able to get them working with smartthings. Some people may have, but have not shared.

I believe that if you have the 3asmarthome hub, you can get it working with google home, but I have not yet gone down that path.

There may be hope when zigbee v.3 hits both smartthings and 3asmarthome switches…given it is supposed to be fully compatible.

Thanks George

I have installed that app but unsure how to use it? Any pointers? If I could get just one of the switches to work that would be great.

I would add the hub (and may yet) but I got the Smarthingshub for the automaton, just had some sensors arrive that I want to use to operate some of the lights.

First you need to install the app (above) in your smartthings IDE.

Second, you need to open up the smartthings app on your phone, and go to Marketplace then scroll to the bottom and hit My Apps. Then select the HUI wall switch binder, and follow the instructions within to bind the 3 switches to virtual switches.

With the app and Device handler, I can sometimes get the ST app to send commands to the light switch. What i have difficulty with is receiving the notifications from the light switch when it’s turned on/off manually by ST.

The only trouble is that when you press the buttons on the switch, it sends “on/off” but doesn’t mention which switch, I’m strugelling to re-send catch all, so I can parse back the statuses of the gangs correctly, I"m not an expert with Groovy but can you please answer me if its possible to send a catch all event on the when parsing the (on/off) result to work out the switch statuses correctly?


Got same issue. Do you find any solution yet?