I’m fairly new to Smartthings and struggling working out Smartapps. On Marketplace on my phone there are some but there are others I can see on this forum such as the Morgan Freeman notifications app. Can I install that and how would I add it, please?
Thank you. I think the problem seems to be MY SMARTAPPS seems to be missing on the Smartthings APP on my iPhone.
I’ve logged out of the app, logged back in, reset the hub, turned off and back on but still no option for MY APPS
Very frustrating! Some people have reported that in the past. It appears to have something to do with the account set up and the IDE. I think you have to contact support so they can do a one time fix on it.
Thanks, had a go at that but still no My Smart Apps. I have installed Nest Manager 4.3.1 following the instructions and published but so frustrating that I can’t use it as I can’t see yhe option My Smartapps. I have emailed ST support so fingers crossed for response in the new year,