Help: Unable to get Nest Manager 5.1.1 to Authorize Nest

The oauth callback link is not accessible through a browser on it’s own so it’s not an ST problem.

You need to post your questions or issues in the official thread moving forward and myself, other NST Manager members, and the developer are more than happy to help you.

Had you posted your issue about Google Home in the official NST Manager thread, we could have saved you the time and trouble of not having to uninstall NST Manager as there is a known issue with GH and a workaround that you wouldn’t have needed to goto support.

For the outstanding issue, you need to check the 3 specific things in the PDF (troubleshooting at bottom of doc) for the leading and trailing spaces of your cut and paste of the clientID and clientSecret and also leading and trailing spaces in the oath callback field.

Post a screenshot of your Overview page from Nest Developer. DO NOT include the section containing your product id on down. Also post a screenshot of the Smart apps page in IDE containing NST Manager and NST Automations. Post those to the following thread:

Was typing when you tagged me :grin:

I actually posted the Google Home issue several places (here and in a couple of FB groups) and I got few, if any, responses. It was pretty frustrating.

At any rate, thanks, I’ll post over in that thread tomorrow - been a long and frustrating day (not because of this) and quite frankly, I’m over it for today. I thought I was careful about leading/trailing zeroes but I’ll double check.

This was an issue that cropped up in the last few days and was also mentioned by one of the ST staff members that affected several different thermostat dths, not just Nest that contained certain capabilities that for whatever reason GH didn’t like when linking accounts and they stated that they were going to create a bug fix for it, but modifying the DTH to remove those two things, linking to GH and then adding those two things (heating and cooling setpoints or something to that effect) back in after GH is linked. I didn’t explain it to you because you already had support uninstall all of NST Manager.

I totally understand your frustrations. We all go through things here that make us want to pull our hair out at one time or another.

Anyway, go back and check those specific things. 20 or more people have had the same oops issue and 9 out of 10 times it’s one of those issues I mentioned. It’s very very picky and sensitive. If you get it going, let us know in the other thread and if you are still having issues, post those screenshots over there. :slightly_smiling_face:

FYI: Here’s a link where the issue between thermostats and GH got some traction and was identified last week:

I appreciate your help, and sorry if I seemed a little snippy. As careful as I was, there was an extra space in the Product ID that I pasted into the clienID which I didn’t see, even though I thought I was pretty careful. Everything works as expected!

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I’m going to be pushing out a fix for that and other things today.

I have an idea on how to resolve this in the smartapp. I’m going to tell the app to trim any and all whitespaces. (Not sure why this didn’t occur to me sooner)

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Hi sorry new to this. I have a question hoping for some help on this I have installed the nest manager app and when i go to access it on my mobile device it comes up with client ID and secret are both missing. How to I install the both keys? again sorry still in a learning curve.

Go to the following link and look for the part on setting up a Nest Developer Account and follow the guide.

Thank you very much up and running a little learning curve but all good.