Help needed with Sylvania dimming switch to use two buttons

I find it odd that it’s listed as supported… but not really

It’s an odd device. Under the old architecture, there were three different DTHs for it and they worked in very different ways.

[OBSOLETE] FAQ: Sylvania battery-power dimming Switch (model 73743): why there are three different DTHs to choose from

Were you using it before and if so, with which DTH?

Are you tried with the stock driver Zigbee Button.
This device is in the fingerprints, I do no known if is the same as your

- id: OSRAM/LIGHTIFY Dimming Switch
    deviceLabel: OSRAM Button
    manufacturer: OSRAM
    model: LIGHTIFY Dimming Switch
    deviceProfileName: two-buttons-battery-holdTime
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I think I tried the stock driver…? I removed and diételes all the button switches and reinstalled them… so I assume it would pick up a stock driver but there isn’t a driver option in settings. I’m a bit confused

The descriptions look the same. How do I make sure that that driver is being used?

The production driver does not have fingerprinting enabled and therefore will not be installed automatically.

You have to install the beta stock driver zibgee Button in your hub and then try to pair it

# - id: OSRAM/LIGHTIFY Dimming Switch
  #   deviceLabel: OSRAM Button
  #   manufacturer: OSRAM
  #   model: LIGHTIFY Dimming Switch
  #   deviceProfileName: two-buttons-battery-holdTime

I don’t want to sound ignorant, but how do I do that? It looks like I have the zigbee button driver on my hub… but there’s no option in my device to change driver…

I was using it before with a custom DTH. I honestly can’t remember which one though. I just used it as a simple 2-button device with press and hold. I deleted them from my IDE though to make sure it would pick up the edge driver…. Which I’m not sure if it has.

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The zigbee Button installed in your hub is the production driver and It has not activated your fingerprints.

Note the driver has not channel download assigned.

You need install it from smartthings beta channel


In case you need the beta channel link:


Thank you!

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Thanks you!

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Another question. I have some virtual switches I made years ago. They still show as “virtual switches” in the ide and haven’t switched over to “placeholders” like most things. Am I going to have to delete those and recreate them some other way manually?… or will they convert automatically still? I have a few older smartthings contact/tilt/vibration sensors that did not automatically switch over too. Has everything that could be automatically migrated already done so and anything left I’m going to have to figure out manually at this point? Thanks

The automatic migration is not yet complete.

The only official mention of virtual devices is that they are looking into it. :thinking: So we don’t yet know if they will be automatically migrated or not.

If you want to manually create your own replacements, here’s the community FAQ on that:

FAQ: Creating Virtual Devices Without the IDE

Did you ever get this to work?

I have the same problem you have with Sylvania/ OSRAM Lightify 2 Button Dimming Switch. I was using it as a device that had Single Press, Double Press and Hold for both buttons. It seems some of our custom DTHs and their settings got migrated and hidden as I couldn’t find the settings for this switch and figured I would remove it and re-add it and see if it would let me reconfigure it.

It come up as a dimmable device now and there is not option for a driver, even if I install the beta edge driver and delete and re-add.


I have the same problem and removing and re-addind doesn’t help. I have 2 other switches that work and are listed as “ZigBee button”, but the one I tried to remove and re-add will not recognize the Edge driver.

I believe because the ID is wrong in the Edge driver.

It should be listed as “OSRAM Lightify Dimming Switch” the shouldn’t be a forward slash.

To be clear, I mean the driver lists the device ID incorrectly.

Do you know who can I contact to have them update this?

Hi @jabbajawz

Device in stock driver is this

- id: OSRAM/LIGHTIFY Dimming Switch
    deviceLabel: OSRAM Button
    manufacturer: OSRAM
    model: LIGHTIFY Dimming Switch
    deviceProfileName: two-buttons-battery-holdTime

You can install zigbee thing Mc driver to see fingerprints of your device

That’s what I’m saying. I already installed the Mc drivers to get less check in time and make my buttons last longer, but it doesn’t “fingerprint” because the stock driver has a slash in it.

I have looked up my device ID in the “Simple” device viewer and there is no slash. So it wouldn’t work because the IDs don’t match.

I don’t have a driver for buttons, only for the smartthings button samjin.

The id field is not used to pair device.

Only manufacturer and model fields are used to match and pair devices

    manufacturer: OSRAM
    model: LIGHTIFY Dimming Switch
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