Harmony Hub Connection Tips

So I recently moved and disconnected all my devices, reset my hub and began reinstalling devices.

The last device I have to add are my harmony hubs (which were at my old house and worked fine).

Now, when I add the device I log into my Logitech account which displays the message that Logitech is now connected to SmartThings. But the next screen will not find any hubs.

Anyone have any tips? I emailed support and they advised I change my Logitech password.

Did you remove your " old " harmony hub ? Yes I know it is the same hub, but ST will not find a hub that it has already found. So you need to remove it completely. Then install a fresh Harmony Connect and try searching for the hub. It also does not always find it right away. There seems to be a delay sometimes between authorizing ST in Harmony and Harmony hub actually showing up in ST. It won’t be there, then you go back the next day and it shows up and setup completes fine.

Yes. Went into ST and removed all the devices and the uninstalled Logitech Harmony Conect. Is there something else that needs to be done?

If I remember I had to log into my meethue and remove ST authorization . Then go through ST and authorize the " new" hub. It has been a while , but I do remember it was a PIA to get it reauthorized. Actually installing a new Hue hub was easier the reconnecting the old hub again.

Yes. It is a PIA. I’ve been looking for anyway possible to reset the hub, but what I may try is to create a new Logitech acct and set them up as a new remote and hub.

Justin Bennett, Esq.

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