Harmony Activities delayed status updates in ST

I’m trying to do some automations to turn lights on when I turn off the TV at night. When I turn my TV on with the harmony hub remote, the Watch TV activity will eventually show ON in ST. When I shut the TV off using the Harmony hub remote, it stills says Watch TV is ON for a minute or two. What can I do to so that when I turn off the TV on the harmony hub remote that it quickly updates in ST?

You will need to setup a CoRE piston to refresh status of the Harmony Hub. I do this with all of hubs every minute to keep updated.

How do I do this (the action part)?

Do you refresh the hub status alone or all of the individual activities?

Could the issue be that I hit 'Watch TV" on the Harmony Hub Remote to start the Activity, but hit the ‘Off’ button on the remote to turn everything off?