Google Home and Osram Lightify Bulb

Hi I’m new to Smartthings and thanks to the fantastic posts on this site I’ve got up and running in double quick time. However I have encountered a problem that I’ve not been able to find an answer too.

I’ve installed Google Home an Osram Lightify RGBW bulb plus a Fibaro 2 dimmer controlling a white LED. Thanks to the support here I’ve installed the device handlers for latter two. They all work well and I can control each using Google Home. However before I installed Google Home I could use the Smartthings Mobile App (ios) to turn the Osram bulb on and off, set colour, brightness etc. almost instantly. However now I can do that with voice instructions to Google Home but the app hangs if I try to do the same by pressing the on/off button on the app. I’ve tried removing the device and reinstalling it (quite a saga but eventually managed it) but it didn’t help.

Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Thanks

You installed a Device Type Handler for the OSRAM bulb? Which bulb do you have? It should work out of the box, and whatever custom code you’ve installed could be causing the problem.

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Hi thanks for the speedy reply. I installed the Osram Lightify RGBW handler rev 6/6/2017 by gkl_sf. As I said it worked perfectly before I installed my Google Home? I have the CLA 60 RGBW bulb. If I wanted to re-instal the original device handler which would I select - when I click on “Type” in the IDE it doesn’t come up with any Osram products?

I’ve just tried the ZigBee RGBW Bulb handler and that seems to work in terms of allowing me to turn it on and off etc. except that the button seems to permanently say “Turning” off/on but at least it accepts a press to change the physical state of the bulb regardless of what it says.

I’ll try the additional support suggestions you indicated.


Hi again thanks to the nod in the right direction from Tyler I think I’ve now sorted my problem by installing the improved Zigbee RGBW bulb handler from here:


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