Getting frustrated with the Outages again

Whats with all the outages the past week???

Lights aren’t turning off at night, My kids humidifier didn’t shutoff on schedule, I am getting notifications because the mode isn’t switching on presence…


I really hope we have significant local processing in Hub 2.0 and I really hope there is a discount for existing users!


Hope the outages stop soon! I’m relatively patient with these types of things and i am about to exit my tolerance level.


Agreed. The total lack of local processing is really starting to become an intolerable flaw.


I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t my app alone. Sort of glad to see other people are having issues as well. I guess the price we pay for having a device so tightly integrated with the internet. :frowning:

At least if there is an outage or planned down time to post it somewhere on the site? Or dedicate a page like most cloud based software companies letting there customers know when issues are present and status.

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They are saying resolved, definitely not.


Anyone else having a connection failed error?

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Not resolved for me either

Same here. Still not resolved.

My wife wants to throw it all in the garbage.

I can only reassure her so many times that it will get better…


Same here. Getting really frustrated… I guess there were at least 2-3 outages in 7 days. :frowning:

Now there is a mobile app outage.

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Yes me! They are testing the threshold of our patience!

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Seems these outages tend to happen in the evening - I’m guess at a high usage time. As a technical person I would love to know what the exact issues are. If it’s simply a matter of usage - spin up more VMs!

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And even more important, what is ST doing to fix this!

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Glad to know that I can stop trying to fix this on my own. I wish the message was a little more informational. I wasted time troubleshooting my network before I came here and found the status info.


Came home to my alarm going off as I entered with no way to turn it off on the app.

Had to unplug the siren…

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API inaccessable, mobile app non-functional. Not good.

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I just recieved an email reply from support:
We’re currently experiencing issues impacting dashboard loads in the mobile app as well as developer access. We’ve identified the problem and expect it to be resolved shortly.

Our apologies for the inconvenience. We will update you when the problem has been resolved. In the meantime, you can monitor our status at

Thanks! I somehow feel that visiting the thread is more informative than checking the status at

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