Forum not displaying right on Android S7 edge phone

For the last few days or more. I have not been able to browse the forum on my Galaxy S7 edge. I can browse the new group and it looks and works like it should.Screenshot_20180215-202835

But when I try to browse the latest groups it looks like this.

Plus I can’t scroll past say a dozen topics. Any ideas?

S8 is the same.

Same for me.

If I choose Unread or Latest, they look like this, shrunken text. If I enlarge the text, the right side of the page goes off screen.

Sorry, you guys are in the same boat as me. On the other side it’s good to know I’m not alone on my sinking ship. :blush:

Okay, well as of this morning, 6:16 am. It is working correctly again??

Hope it sticks, if it does, BIG Thanks to whoever fixed it wherever you are.

Same - looks normal now.