I’m also waiting for DH
I finished the initial release of the DH. You can find it here in the form of two device handlers, the main one and another for the second output of the device: https://github.com/ovidiupruteanu/SmartExpanse/tree/master/devicetypes/ovidiupruteanu
Supported features:
- Two inputs that can act as monostable or bistable buttons for the outputs
- Two inputs that work as SmartThings buttons, with single press, double press and hold events
- Two outputs that work as switches and can be turned on/off from the inputs or from the app
- Output Auto Off that works in both monostable and bistable modes
- Inputs orientation (Allows reversing operation of IN1 and IN2 inputs
without changing the wiring. Use in case of incorrect wiring.) - Outputs orientation (Allows reversing operation of OUT1 and OUT2 inputs without changing the wiring. Use in case of incorrect wiring.)
Unsupported features:
- Connection with alarm line
- Connection with DS18B20 sensor
- Connection with DHT22 sensor
- Connection with 2-wire 0-10V sensor
- Connection with 3-wire 0-10V sensor
- Connection with binary sensor
- You will need to add both device handlers to your account before adding the device to your network
- When adding the device to your network two devices will be added (Fibaro Smart Implant and Fibaro Smart Implant 2). The first one handles the Button 1 and 2 and the Switch 1, the second one handles Switch 2
- The button events will not work correctly in a bistable setup
- The inputs are always connected to the outputs in both monostable and bistable modes. When you press button 1/2 it will always turn on/off output 1/2. I don’t think there is a way to press the buttons without affecting the outputs. Double pressing or holding the buttons will not affect the outputs.
I made a video demonstrating some of the features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6CEFmQZtUA
That’s great news thanks for putting in the work to get that done!
I bought the device back in July to use with an old house alarm system but have been waiting for a DH to be released. I thought it would never happen!
I want to connect the feeds from the alarm that will show:-
Alarm armed or disarmed (12v when armed and 0v when disarmed)
If the alarm is activated (12v when alarm is activated and 0v when not activated)
I also want to use one switch to full set/unset the alarm (12v switch open/close) and the other to activate the panic mode (12v switch normally closed, open to activate panic mode)
Will this be possible with your marvellous creation?
I am not familiar with alarm systems so I couldn’t implement that feature. I can do some research though.
Can you take a look at the manual and let me know if your alarm looks similar to one of the schematics at 4.2?
Sorry I’m not sure which schematic is closest to what I want to achieve.
What might help is a schematic of the same model alarm that I have with an aftermarket autodialler wired in. Here’s the link:-
Veritas 8 Autodialler
This shows pretty much what I want to do.
The SW terminal will show if the alarm is set or unset (0 or 12v).
The Bell terminal will show if the alarm is triggered (0v normal or 12v triggered).
I’m hoping to be able to send a notification in Smartthings for set/unset and alarm triggered events.
For the outputs I’d want to use one to trigger the NC&COM to set the alarm (which I assume is 0v unset and 12v set) and the other to trigger panic mode which is not shown on the schematic but I believe is 12v normal and 0v to trigger the bell (essentially like a tamper when circuit is broken). I’d like to be able to control the outputs either manually in Smartthings or by using some WebCoRE code.
I’m no expert in electronics so apologies in advance if any of the above is confusing!
Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks a lot @ovidiu.pruteanu for your great work and help.
I have the same scope of Howjames: i need to read the status of my alarm.
This works with a relais that is closed when the alarm is on, otherwise it opens the circuit.
Do you think that bistable option could be ok for my aim?
Last question: why in your code u commented the NC/NO options? shouldn’t be something similar to bistable input?
Thanks a lot for your help
@Marco_Raimondi Yes, I tested the NC/NO options and they act the same as bistable buttons. I commented it because they send different z-wave events (COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION), which I haven’t finished implementing.
I looked at the alarm line schematic in their manual and it looks to me that your use case is the same. The alarm system needs to have potential free relays that can be hooked to the implant’s inputs.
@Howjames I looked at the Veritas schematic and the Implant’s manual and here are a few things I noticed:
The implant does have a mode for detecting voltage on inputs, but it goes up to 10V. So this mode wouldn’t work for a connection with SW and Bell terminals. One option would be to connect a couple of 12V relays that would open / close based on voltage on those terminals, and connect the implant’s inputs to those relays.
I’m not an electronics expert either so I don’t know how much current a relay draws, and how much you are allowed to draw from those terminals, maybe you can find that in the alarm’s installation manual.
As for the outputs, they should work for your use case, with one observation. Per the implant’s manual the maximum current on outputs is 150mA, so you should measure it before hooking it up.
The next release will include:
- normally closed / normally opened alarm inputs
- a setting for disconnecting inputs from outputs
- internal temperature sensor support
One thing that I’m not sure about is what capability to use for reporting the opened / closed circuit for the inputs. I think “Contact Sensor” fits best, what do you guys think?
@ovidiu.pruteanu thanks for the info!
I maybe wrong but I think the 0-10v inputs would be used for sensors that output a variable voltage. For my application would I be able to use the binary sensor input with 0v = open/off and 12v = closed/on? I’m sure I read somewhere that the maximum voltage on a binary input is 12v but I can’t find that reference anywhere.
Contact sensor sounds good to me.
Thanks, just to inform you that works as expected.
@Howjames you are correct, the 0-10V inputs are for sensors with variable voltage, but that looks to be the only one that allows input current, at least that’s how I understand those schematics. The binary sensor schematic shows two switches, which is why I was thinking relays might work.
Currently my implant is powered by a 12V power supply and I set it to normally open binary sensor. I measured the current between IN1 and GND and I have +9V on IN1. I’m not sure what would happen if we connect +12V on IN1 in this setup.
@Marco_Raimondi Awesome! I guess you can use the switch capability for now to see the status of the alarm, I will add the contact sensor capability in the next release.
Hi @ovidiu.pruteanu
Thanks for the info
I’ve logged a ticket with Fibaro to find out if the inputs will be ok for 12v. I’ll let you know when I get a response.
Plan B will have to be a couple of 12v as you recommend but let’s see what they say.
Thanks once again for your efforts!
I installed the DH. How do you pair the device?
You triple click the button on the implant, or if you have the inputs connected you can triple click either one.
Thanks! I figured out the device would only pair with the Classic Smartthings app. Things working as expected.
Looking forward to internal temperature support!
Hello everyone,
First of all thank you @ovidiu.pruteanu for creating the DH for this device!
I have one myself and the out1 and out2 work flawlessly, but I need also to connect 3 DS18B20 sensors… Any chance on implementing this functionality?
Best Regards,
@ovidiu.pruteanu Big thank you
I just tried your device handler on a simple swith sensor that shows if my front door is locked or not when Im away and it works perfect.
I just installed your two device handlers,
hooked up a 9V battery and a switch sensor and added the device to my smartthings hub then monitoring everything using the classic app.
Thanks to this its really christmas in more than one way. All the best to you and please keep up the good work
Thanks for all the great work and comments so far and if possible, I’d like to ask a question or two.
I’m trying to use the Implant to turn a dumb device smart (smoke alarm). I have the 2 DHs installed. I have added the Implant to the smoke alarm and sending the voltage to the Implant from the power that is sent to the siren. I’ve tried both Input 1 and input 2. Where I’m getting stuck is being able to pick up that the alarm has gone off. Assuming I have got the power right, does the DH set a variable when it detects the z-wave message from the Implant and if so what is the variable?
I’m using WebCore as my application platform and it picks up what it can see as the available variables, none of which change status when the alarm goes off and sends power to the Implant inputs.
Using Smart Implant, I can see:
Button, switch, $status, checkinterval, DeviceWatch-DeviceStatus, DeviceWatch-Enroll, healthStatus, numberOfButtons, supportButtonValue,
Of these Button return a value of On and Switch a value of On irrespectively of whether there is power to Input 1/2 or not. All of the other variables remain not set.
Using Smart Implant 2, I can see:
switch, $status, checkinterval, DeviceWatch-DeviceStatus, DeviceWatch-Enroll, healthStatus.
All of the variable values the as above.
Any ideas?
I am wanting to connect multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors to check my furnace (water boiler) In & Out and the same for my water heater. So I would like at least 4 temp. I can get Smart Implant and sensors for $60.
This is pretty spiffy. I am wondering if it is possible to separate the relay operation with this from the input operation so it would show up as 4 points. 2 for state and 2 for functions. I would like to use it to read the armed status of my security system and also if it’s in alarm. The the 2 outputs could be used for example a simple arm disarm of my system 2nd would be just a bonus. But I am enjoying this so far thank you!
Hello, what simple sensor would this be? How would the electrical connection look?