This post is meant to get the required attention by Smartthings management to test and switch the Fibaro Single Switch 2 to LOCAL execution. This is after a conversation i had with @cbaumler who also requested that i tagged and @tpmanley to a new post and ask for upvotes to implement local execution for this device.
As i know many of you have issues with this device and would like to see this run locally, especially with the upcoming firmware release that will allow anyone to have local automations, to upvote this thread in order to get their attention, as they need to procure and test this device, in order to be run locally.
You can remove my tag. I donât have any Fibaro devices. Iâve just fixed that DH for fun and to help other people.
Otherwise, the whole idea to have devices local is great. But seeing the new trend that SmartThings has started to produces DHs for individuals devices (Fibaro, Qubino) to anticipate some specific feature options, that seems to be a bit contradict the selected local DHs. I mean, will SmartThings add a bunch of DHs now to the firmware? Isnât there a space issue what stopped this at the first place? Why are not all stock DHs local then?
those assumptions were from when there was a bunch of groovy code in the FW - we have no idea what it looks like as they continue to rip things out. Im sure space is still a concern but we dont know how much of a concernâŚ
Before Iâd vote for this device - or my beloved GE Motion Dimmer/Switches or any Inovelli, Zooz, pick your favorite product to âgo localâ I just want basics like âZwave Fanâ or âZwave Water Sensorâ or âZwave Shadeâ first.
Iâd like to see full local support for central scenes and direct associations and multi endpoint devices. And get rid of the parent/child paradigm, which should not be needed.
Once you do that, smartthings should work like most other advanced certified Z wave plus hubs (Homeseer, Fibaro, ezlo vera, etc) so that devices of this type of work straight out of the box with no custom code needed.
Btw i couldnât agree more with most of you. I do believe stock handlers should all be local. This dth however was switched to local on github but was not approved due to the required testing. We should all be pushing for dths to switch to local so that we have smartthings attention on this.
I believe local execution and being able to see which automations a device belongs to should be the primary features to be implemented. Not the only, just the top of the priority list.
It is Samsung! It has to be shiny, new smelly, etc⌠Nobody cares later on if it is not working. The most important that it has been announced and have the publicity through the paid bloggers etcâŚ
Hi @Andremain,
Please, I want to ask you two questions about the modified dth for local execution you mean
Have you tried it and it works in smart lighting app without internet connection?
I think you are in the firmware beta program. Have you seen if an automation created with this device with modified dth is marked as local?
I ask you this because as we already mentioned in old private thread, I have Fibaro double switch 2, which I modified the parent DTH to work as a local the main switch and it works perfectly in smart lighting app without internet, but I am not in the beta program to test it with local automations.
I understand your concern about local DTHs, but based on everything I have read in this great community and above all analyzing how devices respond to the changes in DTHs and how they affect their type of execution, I am increasingly convinced that in the Hub firmware there are no DTHs, it executes only the standard capabilities of the devices, switch, motion, contact ⌠standard batttery calculation ⌠and I donât know if in the future also the custom capabilities that will replace the custom DTHs.
The rest of the code, installed, configure, refresh, methods or custom calculations redirects them to execution in the cloud.
I have all the official smartsense motion, multisensors and fibaro DTHs switches, modified and they still work perfectly locally with samart lighting app.
From my humble point of view, I think this is the easiest way when Samsung wants to use a hub with an economical price, medium performace and capacity and intends to use locally zigbee and zwave devices that are compatible with many manufacturers and also local automations, which do need space to host and run on the hub.
If this was really the way, I think you shouldnât be so concerned about local DTHs, but since there are no official confirmations âŚ
No the dths can only be set to local by the smartthings staff. The groovy code for each dth is then converted and added in the firmware as a firmware update for the hub.
I am in the smartthings beta firmware which does enable local automations to a degree on the platform.
Using the offical handler but changing to run local does not work according to smartthings, as the dht must be contained inside the hubs firmware to work.
As this got halfway to a pull request, i expected that someone would approve this, however, as it was recently pointed out to me, each device set to local, must be bought and test by ST to ensure that it works properly and does not affect the rest of the hubâs firmware.
Thanks for the reply.
I agree that a modified DTH does not work according to the samrthings requirements and that in the future if only the stock DTHs work because the IDE disappears they would stop working and we would have to return to the stock DTH.
About what the DTH is in the firmware of the Hub I have my doubts based on what I see and I explain to you in three examples that do not confirm that the DTH is executed in the Hub and if it confirms that what is executed are the standard capabilities:
The official DTH âSmartsense multi sensorâ installed in an original device manufactured by âsamjinâ for samsung smartthings, with original local execution: Not all its capabilities work as local. Open / Close runs locally in samart lighting, you can turn lights on and off ⌠without internet.
If you want to turn lights on or off with acceleration capability, it doesnât work locally. Why? I think it is because it needs a specific calculation, which is in the DTH and the DTH is not in the hub, it is in the cloud.
The official DTH âSmartsense motion sensorâ installed in an original device manufactured by âsamjinâ for samsung smartthings with original local execution with a concrete example battery percentage cluster x0021 raw value = 184:
The calculation of the battery level in execution in the cloud is 88% and corresponds exactly to the calculation with the specific formula for âsamjinâ written in the DTH that is in the cloud: 184 - (200-184) / 2 = 88% )
The battery level calculation for the same device in local execution is 92%, which corresponds to the standard formula for calculating the battery percentage for the x0021 cluster (184/2 = 92%) that is in the hub. If the DTH were in the Hub it would calculate it the same.
The DTH of âFibaro Double Switch 2 ZW5â for double switch 2 is of execution in the cloud and therefore it should not be in the Hub. But if you modify it to local execution and install it with IDE, the âswitchâ capability works perfectly as local one in the smart lighting app. Which shows that the hub cares little about DTH and it cares about the standard âswitchâ capability.
With this, what I want to tell you is that, samsung do not officially tell us what their plans are, but I think that if they want and as the Hub software works now, in the future the local execution does not necessarily have to depend of DTH.
Is it still possible to âmodify it to local executionâ? How do I do this? I would really appreciate some instructions for this modification because my Fibaro Double Switch 2 takes up to one minute to respond when Iâm using scenes.