Fibaro Single Switch 2 and Panasonic Exhaust Fan

We installed about 5 Panasonic exhaust fans in bathrooms back in 2003 (all still working fine).
I am now in the process of replacing my light switches with Fibaros (Dimmer 2 and Single Switch 2) switches – using the SmartThings Hub.
I have installed about 1/3 of my 100+ light switches, and all is going pretty well so far.

However, I have experienced a problem with the Single Switch 2 when used with the Panasonic fans (only tried 1 so far).
Once installed, everything works great (both from my physical switch and remotely via the app/etc).
After about a month (with little or no usage of the fan except for a test or two), the Fibaro unit disappeared from the Zwave network.

The Fibaro still controls the fan when I press the physical switch, but cant be found on the Zwave network (not simply Unavailable - it simply disappears).

When this first happened, I replaced it with another Fibaro Single Switch 2, and everything seemed fine.
But, I noticed (about a month later) that it had again disappeared.
The switch is physically close to many other Fibaro switches (Dimmer 2 and Single Switch 2 units) - so I dont think it’s a “normal” Zwave problem.

I again removed the Fibaro and tested it outside the wall. After a few tries, I was able to add it back to my Zwave network via the SmartThings App. But, before I put it back and try again, I thought I should ask whether there could be some explanation as to why the Fibaro Single Switch 2 would disappear from the Zwave network (and whether this could be related to the Fan).

Appreciate any thoughts.