Fibaro Sensor problem

I am trying to setup a Fibaro Open/Close Sensor with a temperature probe (the one they recommend). Ive had my issues even pairing the device, it fails often to secure join.After resetting it (had to remove probe first) I finally got it to pair properly with the probe attached, knowing it has to pair with it. Problem now, is using the built in handler with temp or either of the 2 custom handlers by JJ I cannot get it to read or show a temperature.

I think I am using the default “Fibaro Door/Window Sensor ZW5 with Temperature” - comments inside say by “Todd Wackford”.

I only modified the DT to make temperature the default.

It (either the DT or the hardware) has problems but it displays temperature fine. I’ve had it up to 260F.

I wired mine as 3wire and it may have required a resistor that I just automatically supplied. I did not get good readings from 2wire, though it should have worked.

I repowered these Fibaro remote temp sensors up after 5-6 months idle, and I got initial battery reports but no temps after 3 hours. Nuts. Connections and battery test ok, now I have to wonder if the Fibaro device type has been changed for the worse (using lightly-modified custom - did it get “revised” for me?), now nagging doubts about changed cloud interface to this device, which I have little interest and ability to troubleshoot.