Fibaro FGS-224 - Any experience? DH?

Has anyone had any experience with the new Fibaro FGS-224 module?
If so - what DH are you using?


I have managed to get it to pair with the v3 hub but only as a generic multifunction device. Only one channel works as a switch.

Anyone managed to create a device handler for this?

I have a few fibaro relay devices and they seem good hardware but the lack of DH’s for smarthings is becoming a pain. Any thoughts on alternatives?

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i want to buy new switches is bad that we do not have device handler for new one…

Just wanted to say that for the FGS-224 you dont need a device handler per se. If you add the device using the SmartThings app it will show up as a Z-Wave Device Multichannel. To get both channels working you need to select the device in the Smartthings web interface and change it to Z-Wave Dual Switch. It works perfectly after that.


No it doesn’t work so good. Anyone tried to wrote dh for it?

I can also confirm FGS-224 is working with Fibaro Double Switch ZW5 build-in DTH.
The module is configured by default to two momentary switches (parameter 20 and 21).
It is possible to change parameter 20 via setting. In order to change parameter 21 I use for temporary ZWAVE TWEAKER, change the parameter (in my case 21 to value 2 which is toggle switch with memory), and changed back to Fibaro Double Switch ZW5 …
All OK …

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