Fibaro dimmer 1 not pairing with hub

Hi all,

my Veralite hub recently died, so I decided to replace it with the Samsung Smartthings hub. The hub installed fine and talks nicely with the WiFi. However, I cannot get it to pair with and of my old Fibaro FGD 211 dimmers. These don’t appear on the list of devices supported by the Smartthings app (when I go to add device - Fibaro Switches and dimmers - supported devices). The dimmer 2 is there, but not dimmer 1.

I have read about people who have dimmer 1s working with Smartthings, though. I also read that the dimmer 2 was introduced due to new European laws, and I live in Germany. Maybe that’s the reason.

Anyway, does anyone know how I can get my dimmer 1s to work with Smartthings?


You should try adding it as a generic z-wave device and add a custom DeviceTypeHandler to manage it. Congrats on your first post.


Thanks for the reply. I’ll give that a try. Not sure about the custon DeviceTypeHandler yet, but I’ll do some digging and find out.
