So, I wanted to bring this issue up again. I think this is something that STs is severly lacking on. Its one of my major pain points, albeit a small one, its the thing that frustrates me the most.
In the things view it is impossible, outside of “icons” to discern what data you are view fro the “preview” of the device. Icons are great for lights ut outside of that you cannot change the prview for any other device.
This makes it increasingly difficult to manage more than 10-15 devices. I currently have about 100 devices and I want to look at a temp for a device i ahve to clic into a device and if its not the right one I have to back out and try again until trial and error provides me witht he correct data.
I recently went with @johnconstantelo’s method of creating a transparent background to each device with custom code that will allow me to change that background but this can’t be the answer.
Some people may come back and say thats what the daskboard is for, i get that, and in most cases it works ok. But if i want a specific temp, humidity, or any other value thats specifc, i cannot get this through the dashboard.
I would love to see STs add the ability to “label” the individual preview tiles. Just two lines of text maximum so when i look on a preview tile in the things view instead of it saying “79” it says “79 Living Room”.
I may be in the minority here but I am willing to bet i’m not.
Anyone have thoughts/concerns? I’d love to see if this is something that the people want.
EDIT: For those that would like a visual for what I’m talking about.
Temps values are very hard to discern. In this picture one of the values is outside, 3 are inside, basement, living room, and bedroom. When those temp values are similar is makes it hard to quickly discern what’s going on.