FAQ: Light switch no neutral (UK) (2019)


I’m sure the question has been asked a number of times but I can’t find any solutions that fit! I’m new to the technology, and I have bought myself a Smarttings hub. That’s a start. Now I’m searching to no avail for some smart light switches (I always end up looking at LightwaveRF switches) that work with Smartthings hub. I’m after dimmer switches ideally to control multiple light in a room (multiple lights, hence smart bulbs are out). Does such a thing exist, because I haven’t been able to track any down so far. I’m in the UK, so no neutral wire… Thanks!

@JDRoberts has info here for z wave switches with no neutral, along with a link to another thread with that can help:

Zwave switch with no neutral

As far as controlling multiple lights, are these lights already wired all to the same switch? Or do you want to control lights that are wired to different switches? If they’re wired to different switches look for a dimmer that you can add group associations to. If you also replace these lights with a zwave switch you can use 1 switch to control as many as you want.

Most people in the UK use in wall micros like the Fibaro or the Aeotec nano.

This gives you two options.

You can either put the micro someplace where there is a neutral, typically at the ceiling fitting, or there are even a couple of models of micros that don’t require a neutral wire, although you may have to add an additional device called a “bypass” if the load on that circuit branch is not high enough.

You can also use the lightwave RF second generation. with the free IFTTT service as an. integration method, although that might introduce a bit of lag.

Have you had a chance to look at the UK lighting FAQ? It covers all of these options and some more ( The article title is a clickable link)

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Hi David,
If you have wifi bulbs (I have Lifx), may I suggest Logitech’s Pop Switches be considered.
I’ve been using them for a few years now. Have placed covers over the wall mount switches and placed Pop Switches directly above and in some rooms, where I actually need a switch too. Example, next to beds (where their control Wemo sockets for bedside lights and the main overhead light being Lifx bulbs).
On occasions, I’ve read comments about others finding them unstable or unreliable and a few years back, in my experience that was true but, not had any problems for over 3 years to date.

If I have gone off on a tangent, please forgive me but I hope my post was at least interesting.
All the Best,


Hi Darren. Thanks for replying! I went for a Fibaro dimmer 2 for a switch with multiple lights. I’ve also bought myself an IKEA build which I’m having troubles with. I just can’t pair it at all! To add to the frustration pairing my account with Google Assistant is also failing. I’m not having much luck at all so far and I’m beginning to think the Smartthing hub wasn’t the best choice at all…

Thanks for replying! I went for a Fibaro dimmer 2 for a switch with multiple lights. I’ve also bought myself an IKEA build which I’m having troubles with. I just can’t pair it at all! To add to the frustration pairing my account with Google Assistant is also failing. I’m not having much luck at all so far and I’m beginning to think the Smartthing hub wasn’t the best choice at all…

Hi David,
Sorry to hear about your challenges.
I have often been tempted with Ikea’s offering and after hearing from you, glad I have stuck with what I know works reliably and well.
Other than my Pop Switches and Lifx bulbs, I use Amazon instead of Google along with Fire Sticks and Tablets.
My venture into Smartthings is very recent and working out very well. Other than integrating with my lights, my Hub V2 has been faultless with my Fibaro smoke, leak, motion detector and door contacts. As well as my Sonos speakers (and Sonos connect to my old home theatre system), Ring Doorbell and a few Smartthings detectors.
I hasten to add, been slowly purchasing IoT devices over the years.
I have a few other devices that I intend to connect to my V2 Hub. Just need to find a few hours to make it happen. Next will be my Wink egg Minder. Then thinking about my Smarter Kettle and bathroom scales.
If you choose to head down the LIFX route, I’m sure you’ll face less difficulties, I’ll be in a position to help and I’m sure you’ll find your Smart Hub a good choice.
Good luck.
All the Best,

For those based in UK / Europe I found 2 x types ZIGBEE switches which do not require NEUTRAL wire and they are not dimmers , only on/off and work perfect with smarthings and or directly with phillips hue links below.

How to connet to Smartthings or use what Device Handlers?

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use Samsung IDE website.
register there and then use the tutorials available via google on how to add device handlers in Samsung IDE. you will need to add the device handler as a zigbee switch and then it will work fine


Have you looked at Aurora?

I currently have LightwaveRF Gen 2, which are not very good at all. I’ve just ordered one of these to try out.

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@Dave77 thanks these look perfect! They support a two wire set up, no neutral? Cheers

Maybe a stupid/dangerous question, I’ve got no neutral at the switch, but I do have earth. Does Earth work as Neutral in this scenario or do I need proper Neutral (guessing so and wouldn’t risk it, but wondering)

Yeah, no neutral required

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Good question, and your instincts are correct: do not use the earth in place of the neutral. The radio in the switch might operate but you create a hazardous situation.

FAQ: Neutral and Ground Wires are not Interchangeable

Does these two switches still working? I asked the supplier about whether it is compatible with Smartthings and they said no. Under the Q&A of the Amazon link you provided they even said it won’t work with smartthings

Yes they do still work excellent , with no problems whatsoever !
over the moon with connectivity , reliability,responsiveness,look and quality.

Do not hesitate to spend £19 even if in some cases you might loose it. At least you follow you passion which makes you happy. Imagine how much more you spent for alcohol , junk food or other poisons that actually contribute to your premature death. In my opinion these switches are very cheap

Well speech! Definitely motivated me to buy one.
Although now i’m thinking about it, do correct me if I’m wrong, smartthings hub can’t work locally without the Internet, so what is the difference between buying a Zigbee switch vs a Wifi switch?

As far as I am aware you are correct ,it cannot work locally in the smartthings but if you have hue bridge you can connect to it and in case of emergency when internet is down you can still use it. I personally don’t have a experience with wifi switches so I leave it to those who has

The wifi one would work only with the tuya cloud service and it will occupy an extra IP on your wifi network. More switches will occupy more IPs. It will make your router “overloaded/crowded”. Some routers cannot handle more than 32 devices.