FAQ: Confused by "Regular" Hub and "ADT" SmartThings Hub. Need clarification (2019)

Sad, but true. And with the uncertainty I am certainly leaning toward ring floodlight cameras and seeing where Arcus open source Iris goes…

I’m hoping someone can clarify for me. If I end buying the ADT branded hub, then ADT kills support for it and Samsung smartthings is still around, will it still function as a normal smartthings setup? The only reason I would like the ADT version is the cellular backup function for security.

I understand you can get a UPS backup, and a router that switches to cellular service, but I honestly don’t want to buy an expensive router, monthly data plan, and the hassle when I could get the same thing with the ADT hub. I’m just worried if ADT cans the whole thing, I have an expensive paperweight.

I assume the ADT branded hub works with everything the regular smartthings hub does?

I appreciate the help, I’m an Iris refugee, and want to get everything setup before Iris stops working.

I have it in writing from Samsung that they have no plans to do away with the ADT Smartthings platform in the forseeable future. For whatever that is worth.

There is always self monitoring within the ADT Smartthings setup.

Your concerns are no joke, and I share them, with some extremity, however I am not quite as concerned with timing. I have the Ring camera setup going that gives me alerts if anyone, or anything of concern enters my property. My biggest concerns are thus self monitored.

The more research I do into the various platforms available, the less confident I am in that any one of them is going to be reliably available over the long term. I.E. a span of greater than 5 years. So any system you, or I invest in is simply put, a gamble.

From my research, I hate to say it, but smartthings seems like the safest gamble, and ADT Smartthings is the only platform that truly replaces Iris…

If it sounds like I am happy about that, I can assure you, I am not. But there isn’t a lot I can do about it.

Until and unless the industry adopts truly standard protocols much like the PC industry did decades ago, this is going to stay nothing more than a consumer guessing game leaving us at the whiims of companies that do not have our best interests at heart and vendor locked so there is very little we can do to move from one platform to another except fully replace what we had…

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Did they define “foreseeable”? The terms of service you agreed to says smartthings can add or remove features at any time.

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No they absolutely did not. Again see my comments about this all being a gamble.

It would appear that DIY security and Home Automation is a cluster f*** and we either put up with it, or do without.

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Assistance connecting ADT Hub with existing ST hub. I picked up the ADT hub with the hopes we can add to the existing ST stuff we have. We like the idea of having a panel. I am hoping to be able to use the panel as an alternative for those who don’t have the App or whom we don’t want to invite to use this.

Is there anything special I need to do to set this up. If someone can help point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

They don’t work together in the way that you imagine. Each is a master hub, so smartthings expects that there will be only one of them per location.

While it is technically possible to add two hubs to the same location if you are using the new app, they advise against it, and it specifically won’t work with the ADT model. :disappointed_relieved:


Note: It is not recommended to add a SmartThings Hub to a Location with an existing Hub.

I am not necessarily wanting the ADT panel to act as a hub, I am wanting it to act as a button more or less, is there another option for this. As most mentioned I was able to pick up the panel at a huge discount.

The ADT panel itself is a hub, and only functions as a hub in SmartThings. It has to be the master on that location, and it does not work with any other smartthings hub. Like I said, unfortunately it’s just not going to work the way that you imagined. It’s not an add on to your existing system.

If you are just looking for a button for your current system, see the following FAQ:

FAQ: Full list of buttons and remotes confirmed to work with SmartThings [Not all devices listed work with the 2020 Platform]