Hi, I tried a dozen of times to add an Aqara P2 Thread Door Sensor.
The device gets detected correctly, but then after a little wait while the appa says it’s adding the device, I get an error with code 39-504.
Any advice? I know from Brian ( @AutomateYourLife ) video that the device works with this kind of connection…
Some other community members have reported similar issues.
Check the following FAQ just in case there’s anything there that helps. 
FAQ: What do I need to add a Matter device to the SmartThings app? Do I need a bridge router device? - #2 by JDRoberts
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I haven’t been able to add this same device to SmartThings either. I’ve added it to Apple Home and Home Assistant fine, but sharing to SmartThings never works.
thanks, yes I was expecting it to work as it’s Matter over thread, there must be some bug in the Thread part of the V3 hub.
Switchbot devices work fine over Matter instead…
I have to say tham I’m experiencing issues adding a Z-wave devices as well, the secure pairing fails, so I wonder if there’s a broader issue…
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Very well could be. I have an Eve Motion added to SmartThings via Matter for several months, so at one point adding a Matter over Thread device did work.
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