I recently acquired an Aqara U200 smart lock, but despite all my efforts I cannot connect it to SmartThings. It does connect to the Aqara app via Bluetooth and to the Google Home app via Matter thanks to my Nest Hub v2’s integrated Thread Border Router.
However, no matter how I try with SmartThings, I end up with the same error 39-513.
SmartThings correctly detects the smart lock (and even suggests me to add it). It also understands I press on its “Set” button to start the process. Then it follows up with the Thread network detection. It finds my Nest Hub v2 thread network, I select it, and enter the 32-character key. Then it goes on with step 3 of 3 that is the device registration with SmartThings.
It stays there for quite some time before failing with the error shown above.
If I first connect the lock to Google Home via Matter, then try to share it to SmartThings, the process is the same, except that step 2 is understandably bypassed (the Thread network), and ends up identically.
I also tried with and without the “Matter Lock” driver from the “SmartThings Drivers (Beta)” channel. Same.
Does anyone have any experience about connecting any Matter over Thread device to ST via an external Thread Border Router?
I’m sorry, but I think this explains how it is supported by SmartThings:
Also, the connection process I followed does confirm SmartThings talks with the U200 at step 1 of 3 (I don’t know over which protocol at this stage) and does confirm the Nest Hub v2’s Thread network is detected at step 2 of 3. Only the registration seems to fail.
Yes, as a second hand V3 hub disappeared off the face of the earth between the Royal Mail delivery office and my front door I am working with a GL.iNet S20 as a TBR. GL.iNet don’t actually claim it works for Matter over Thread but it certainly can do.
When I first got it Google Home was a week or two away from being able to detect the S20 as a TBR whereas SmartThings already happily detected it and asked for a code (every ******* time). So I am used to starting with SmartThings. Also Google Home wouldn’t work at all for Matter admin on anything but my Galaxy devices at the time (again they fixed that).
I’ve been working with Onvis S4 plugs which may or may not be in a need of a critical firmware update. It is hard to tell because Onvis bang on about 1.1.0-315 needing updating, and mine are 1.1.0-442. It doesn’t really matter because it seems an Apple setup is needed to update the firmware and I only have Android, Google and SmartThings. Serves me right for not doing enough research. Getting it past step 2 is usually not too hard, but getting it past the last stage is.
To cut a long story short, commissioning those plugs with SmartThings basically means starting with a freshly reset plug every time, and then if you are lucky you’ll get it to work within about four goes. Otherwise you’ll probably never succeed. As it is it will still fail on steps 2 and (mostly) 4 an awful lot.
Currently using multi-admin to get it from SmartThings to Google, or indeed another SmartThings isn’t really happening for me. About one in ten times I might get as far as step 4 but after that forget it.
The curious thing is that I actually have these devices on both SmartThings and Google, and indeed I have successfully had them on two or three SmartThings hubs and Google similtaneously. So there is clearly a way. I just don’t know what it is so I can repeat it. Oh I can’t get an Eve motion sensor to multi-admin either.
Matter commissioning is great when it works but you are rather left floating when it doesn’t, and SmartThings and Google aren’t really the players you want on your team when things don’t work.
Yes, they are all on the same LAN. However the ST hub is via Ethernet, the Nest Hub via 5GHz Wi-Fi and I tried both 2.4 and 5 GHz on the phone.
Interesting, that was one of my options actually, along with a replacing the ST hub for a v3. I finally went for a second hand Nest Hub because it was the cheapest and it offers other functionalities. I also considered buying the nRF52840 USB dongle and install it on my home server at some point.
I realize that now.
I did reset the U200 and retry differently so many times;)
I tried almost all the combinations I could and only the Google Home app or the Android app Tasker can associate with the U200. It works everytime and in seconds. SmartThings and Home Assistant both consistently fail, no matter as the first admin or as a second after Google Home.
Oh, good for you. I did the upgrade after installation, I’ll check if there’s a more recent one.
I may also buy a v3, but before investing too much money, could you please send me a screenshot of your U200 panel on the SmartThings app? I’d like to see what functions are available.
Also, can you trigger different routines depending on who opens the door?
currently, all that is avaialble is lock and unlock for mine, with no SLGA access since they added a device specific fingerprint a couple weeks/months ago.
The hinted for more functionality following the SDC on 10/3 in my Issue posted on the ST driver github.
Here is a link to related discussion on current U200 integration.
I see. Since I have to find another solution to have Thread, should I better buy an Aqara M3 hub to get all functionalities with the Aqara app, and share the device with SmartThings for the basic lock/unlock instead of aiming at an ST v3 hub ?
Two weeks have passed and I decided to give it a new try. I didn’t notice any update, but guess what, I could finally share the device from Google Home to my SmartThings hub v2.
I’m too afraid to unpair it from the Nest Hub to retry to pair with SmartThings Hub directly.