Error occurred in trend setter

So my things list has gotten out of hand. So tonight I went through and cleaned some things out. In the process I cleared out my trend setter groups and removed trend setter because I didn’t think I would be using it any more.

Shortly after I realized it was what was creating my groups under things. I’ve added trend setter back as it is now listed under “my smart apps” but when I try to create a group now I get an error occurred error message. Can someone help me figure this out or give me another option for grouping things.

I need this because I have bulb lamps with three individual bulbs in them. Having to turn on/off each bulb at a time can be a pain.

Thanks in advance!

Can anyone help me with this?

Could be the following. Engineering have confirmed the bug, it is only affecting some people.

I don’t think so. The only error I get is “an unknown error occured.”

In IDE, under “My Smart Apps” do you see two apps for Trend Setter? There should be Trend Setter and another one for Group.

I do. I know the issue is because I “removed” the app and am trying to use it again. I havent done anything to resinstall it since hitting the remove button in the app its self. How should I go about reinstalling it? I didnt realize it would be useful but creating groups allows you to call on them with Google Home. by telling it to turn on/off the group.

I would try to uninstall it and add it back but when I go into IDE and try to remove it it tells me “This SmartApp can’t be deleted at this time because it is installed by one or more users”

My only thought might be to delete the app from IDE and then add it back. May or may not solve your issue. Here is the thread for trendsetter.

Trying to do that and its telling me “This SmartApp can’t be deleted at this time because it is installed by one or more users”

Was finally able to get it removed. Going to reinstall and see what happens. Thanks guys.

Finally got it all removed and added back. Working as expected. Thanks guys.

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How did you get it removed??

Would like to know as well. Bummer when people ask a question, solve it, state they solved it, but dont give the solution.

Figured this out myself.

  • Open SmartThings web IDE
  • Browse to “My Locations”
  • Under the “Installed SmartApps” coulumn select “smartapps”
  • Under the Banner select “Edit”
  • Find the app (the named devices you’ve created) you wish to remove and select “Uninstall” next to it.

Hope this helps others.