[EDGE] Tuya Water Valve Zigbee Driver (SM-AZ713)

Tuya Smart Water Valve Zigbee driver

On popular request, this driver is for the Tuya Zigbee Smart Valve SM-AZ713. This can be used to control a Smart Water Valve or a Smart Gas Valve from SmartThings.




  • Valve control (open/close)
  • Enable/disable manual operation (button on valve)
  • Change mode after power failure (open, closed, last state)
  • Create custom automations
  • Use with SmartThings Home Monitor to automatically be notified and shut off valves when a leak is detected


  • The current device firmware does NOT allow you to manually read/refresh its position/status. The only way to get the status to change the setting or operate the device
  • If you are trying to mount it on bigger pipe / valve try using a larger adjustable clamp

This driver is available on the RBOY APPS Server

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Tuya Water/Gas Valve Zigbee Driver - v20240514

  • (Fix) Fix for issue where device reports an incorrect state
  • (New) Enable/disable manual control via button on device
  • (New) Set operating state after power failure (open, closed or last state)
  • (New) Create custom automations (cannot create an automation for operating state after power failure at this time)


  • This version of the enhanced driver is only available via the new platform Drivers license (refer to website for details). If you have an active subscription, the new driver will be automatically pushed to your hub within 24 hours

Copyright (c) RBOY APPS

Tuya Water/Gas Valve Zigbee Driver - v20240521

  • Use as a sprinkler valve by creating an automation to turn the valve off after X minutes, runs locally even without the internet


  • This version of the enhanced driver is only available via the new platform Drivers license (refer to website for details). If you have an active subscription, the new driver will be automatically pushed to your hub within 24 hours

Copyright (c) RBOY APPS

Any chance you can make the driver have stop points? Reason I ask, I am going to leverage this device to control an HVAC damper to in essence turn it into a “smart damper” for 30$ instead of spending hundreds… While open / close will work, it would be awesome to have a 50% open slot for when I still want some air to my lower level.

While the driver can support stop points unfortunately the device does not support it. It’s binary - on or off.

Tuya Water/Gas Valve Zigbee Driver - v20241120

  • Added support for more variants of the Tuya Water Valve and Tuya Gas Valve (those purchased from AliExpress)


  • This version of the enhanced driver is only available via the new platform Drivers license (refer to website for details). If you have an active subscription, the new driver will be automatically pushed to your hub within 24 hours

Copyright (c) RBOY APPS

Also available at Ali Express for about $20 (It was both WiFi and Zigbee version, pick the ZigBee version to use with SmartThings)