Added myself as a watcher. I suspect this is similar to an issue that @Sylvain and I have witnessed on my HomeSeer switches (Edge Driver)
I have sent the same level of log information to
Added myself as a watcher. I suspect this is similar to an issue that @Sylvain and I have witnessed on my HomeSeer switches (Edge Driver)
I have sent the same level of log information to
Hi, @jshessen
I saw your email but the drivers I see included there are âHomeSeer Z-Wave Switchesâ and âHomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta)â which donât match with any of the drivers from ST. This issue was solved a while ago for this particular device using the SmartThings Driver Z-Wave Switch.
Do you know who is the developer of the other driver?
@nayelyz this is probably more appropriate for another thread
I am the developer of the two devices/channels in question. Users (myself included) are seeing a very specific sync issue between the app, and the local switch actions.
While searching the community, this thread appeared to reference a nearly identical behavior, and I was looking to better understand if there is a specific action required to help ensure app to device continuity.
aah, I see.
Ok, itâs been a while since we checked that issue, so, I reviewed the old report and your logs.
In your logs, I see the command to turn the device on is sent which explains why the physical device was turned ON. However, after that, another command is sent to get the latest state:
sending Z-Wave command: {args={}, cmd_class="SWITCH_BINARY", cmd_id="GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="", src_channel=0, version=1}
Have you seen the response from the device to that command? It seems they were cut from the logs you shared.
There should be a response from the device and after that, the âtranslationâ made by the driver, are you using the default handlers?
In the report, the team included this PR which should solve the issue on the ST driver, that could help us as a reference:
Yes, I see both the SET and the âTRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OKâ as well as the GET and itâs OK.
I am using a custom handler which is used to parse the switch from actions to be taken on the sub components
I tried to access the PR â but I only get a 404 to the Beta repo URL
2023-02-14T06:05:34.585823626+00:00 TRACE HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Received event with handler capability
2023-02-14T06:05:34.601056339+00:00 TRACE HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Z-Wave command(996f328e) queued for radio transmission: CC:Basic, CID:0x01
2023-02-14T06:05:34.601678486+00:00 INFO HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) <ZwaveDevice: 7ca78697-f425-4c75-b036-cccfabf7bffd [82] (Guest Light)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"switch","command":"on","component":"main","positional_args":{}}
2023-02-14T06:05:34.603871598+00:00 TRACE HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_switch -> HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches
2023-02-14T06:05:34.605046843+00:00 INFO HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) <ZwaveDevice: 7ca78697-f425-4c75-b036-cccfabf7bffd [82] (Guest Light)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={value=255}, cmd_class="BASIC", cmd_id="SET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="\xFF", src_channel=0, version=1}
2023-02-14T06:05:34.647930224+00:00 DEBUG HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Guest Light device thread event handled
2023-02-14T06:05:34.651240443+00:00 DEBUG HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Guest Light device thread event handled
2023-02-14T06:05:34.704640480+00:00 TRACE HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Z-Wave command(996f328e) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2023-02-14T06:05:35.627796629+00:00 TRACE HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Z-Wave command(b6cf66f2) queued for radio transmission: CC:Switch Binary, CID:0x02
2023-02-14T06:05:35.628510105+00:00 INFO HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) <ZwaveDevice: 7ca78697-f425-4c75-b036-cccfabf7bffd [82] (Guest Light)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={}, cmd_class="SWITCH_BINARY", cmd_id="GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="", src_channel=0, version=1}
2023-02-14T06:05:35.633583109+00:00 DEBUG HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Guest Light device thread event handled
2023-02-14T06:05:35.703133358+00:00 TRACE HomeSeer Z-Wave Switches (beta) Z-Wave command(b6cf66f2) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
Hi, @jshessen, sorry for the delay.
What I meant before is what you see after the TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
shown at the bottom of these lines:
This is because after that the device should have answered with the current status of the switch and once thatâs received, the event to set the status shown on the SmartThings side is emitted, thatâs why I wanted to see what event comes in and how is that being handled.
And I found the content of the PR I shared was merged a long time ago, and it contained this subdriver: