(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Frient I/O Module Mc

This driver has been made at the request and thanks to a user, who has purchased and tested the driver for the Frient I/O Module device - IOMZB-110.

This is the link to the Develco documentation and Amazon.


The digital IO Module integrates wired devices into wireless Zigbee networks. Providing four inputs and two
outputs, the IO Module works as a bridge of reliable communication between wired devices and a control system
over Zigbee networks. Devices connected to the input will trigger events, and devices connected to the output
will respond to events.

Key features are:
β€’ Bridging wired devices and Zigbee networks
β€’ Four digital inputs with dry contact
β€’ Two relay outputs with NO and NC contacts

It is similar to the Smart Implant but without the temperature and analog input.

In preference settings you can choose and configure:

  • Invert the Open/close state of each entry independently
  • Create independent child contact sensor devices for each input
  • Create independent child Switch out devices for each switch 1 and 2
  • Set the reporting interval for the switches between 300 and 1200 sec. The default value is 900 sec

This is the link to my shared channel

This is the driver version and devices supported

 Name         Zigbee Frient I/O Module Mc
 Version      2023-11-13T18:54:13.217385966        
- id : Frient/IOMZB-110
    deviceLabel : Frient/IOMZB-110
    manufacturer: frient A/S
    model: IOMZB-110
    deviceProfileName: two-switch-four-input
  - id : Develco/IOMZB-110
    deviceLabel : Develco/IOMZB-110
    manufacturer: Develco Products A/S
    model: IOMZB-110
    deviceProfileName: two-switch-four-input

This is the link to my shared channel

As some users have asked me, if you find these Mc drivers useful and wants to invite me to a coffee , Thanks


More information about the Frient’s device

IO Module - smart Zigbee input/output module for home automation - frient

Hi. Just purchased a Frient IO Module and trying to use it with a SmartThings hub. I have installed your driver, which looks very good, but it’s not working. Had to use the Frient driver first, to get the module to show up in the SmartThings app. Then changed the driver to yours. All the controls appear greyed out and just keep getting a message saying the device hasn’t updated its status information yet. Can’t get any further. Wanted to let you know, but any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Paul


Deleted the frient driver from the hub and left mine.
The device must be paired with the controller directly for it to be configured