(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Edge Drivers and others with FIBARO devices:

Hi @TOMillr

The driver has in preferences the option to create a virtual device to configure all the parameters and associations in an easy and fast way.

You can create it and configure the parameters to the value you want and when it works as you want you delete it.

You can recreate it in a matter of seconds whenever you want, change values and delete it again.

Link to device config Mc post

The alternative would be to create a different profile with settings preferences for each new device I add to the driver and that is simply not going to be possible.

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I really hate to ask this here, but I’m getting a bit lost in the woods. Is there a simple one-stop guide on how to use the community created edge drivers? I’ve been searching, but I keep going around in circles.

Long story short, my SmartThings hub was in “set it and forget it” mode for a few years there. I didn’t even learn about the changes until I started to troubleshoot something that used WebCORE, only to learn it was gone. :slight_smile:

The only issue I have right now is I have a Fibaro RGBW controller (older 441) model, and I’m trying to get it going again. I was able to figure out how to join and add the driver to the app, but can’t figure out how to deploy. There’s a message about creating a child device then deleting the device after configuring settings, but that’s where I get lost.

For the fibaro RGBW 441 you have two drivers available.

My version of the driver has different options than stock.

  • You can control each color channel R,G,B,W independently or as RGB + W
  • You can optionally create, if you need it, an independent virtual device to control each color channel R,G,B,W
  • The operation depends on how you configure the parameters available in preference settings, it is essential to read the fibaro documentation.

This is the link to the post

I installed (hopefully correctly) your driver as the stock one was not showing any control. Where I’m struggling is how to configure it. I have the Z-Wave Switch and Child MC driver from your channel (again I think I did that part right at least), but I can’t figure out how to get to the configurable controls. The app screen only shows an On/Off, Timer, and Dimmer function, which is making me assuming I screwed up somewhere along the way. :slight_smile:

This is the correct driver

Thanks, I’ve noticed this option in the setting menu before. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to figure out how to get this to work:

When I toggle the “Create Device-Config-Association” switch to ON, it creates a new device tile.

But how to I get to the part where I can actually change those parameters? Opening up the new device tile, I can see a couple of screens with different read-only information listed:

This screen contains the steps to perform to Get, read, a value of a device parameter or Send, write, a parameter to the device.

In Android, the capabilities of the profile also appear.

On iOS you may have to exit the device and reopen it for it to show the capabilities of the profile

also try to refresh, sliding your finger down on the screen

Strange, haven’t managed to get the parameters to show up in the iOS app. Where should the capabilities show up anyway? In the new virtual device tile? Or the tile of the Z-Wave main device?

In the new virtual device detail view

Perhaps seeing some iOs user can help you, I don’t know if you have to exit the app and reopen it.

In android now it is very easy since the app itself warning you with a message when you change to a profile with different capabilities:
“The features of this device have changed. Exit and return to this screen to access updated features.”
The capture is in Spanish

The capture is in Spanish

I have not used it for a while but it has always been a problem on iOS so I have always ended up using an old Android or Chrome book to do it.

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Hello, @Mariano_Colmenarejo first of all thanks a lot for your hard work for the community.
I have followed your driver progresses and understood that your EDGE driver for Smart Implant also work for Fibaro UBS.

I would appreciate if you can add also my fingerprint (i have 4 devices).

Hope I don’t make any mistakes in sharing fingerprints (my first time)

deviceId: "2b8c119a-b91e-4747-9f6d-c909ec7c9b74",
name: "Z-Wave Device Multichannel",
manufacturerName: "SmartThingsCommunity",
presentationId: "34224139-a699-3023-8508-8358212a4578",
deviceManufacturerCode: "010F-0501-1002",

deviceId: "6eaf95e3-a535-4625-b426-80a3bc7380a0",
name: "Z-Wave Device Multichannel",
manufacturerName: "SmartThingsCommunity",
presentationId: "34224139-a699-3023-8508-8358212a4578",
deviceManufacturerCode: "010F-0501-1002",

deviceId: "2d4d63a3-beab-40b9-ab16-a77cffba59cf",
name: "Z-Wave Device Multichannel",
manufacturerName: "SmartThingsCommunity",
presentationId: "34224139-a699-3023-8508-8358212a4578",
deviceManufacturerCode: "010F-0501-1002",

deviceId: "c7ef5070-fc03-4f64-8aeb-fe9783ed0506",
name: "Z-Wave Device Multichannel",
manufacturerName: "SmartThingsCommunity",
presentationId: "34224139-a699-3023-8508-8358212a4578",
deviceManufacturerCode: "010F-0501-1002",

Thanks a lot

Hi @Marco_Raimondi

This UNIVERSAL BINARY SENSOR FGBS-001 device is quite different from the smart Implant FGBS-222 and it is not worth just adding the fingerprints

it has different parameters, different enpoints, it uses a maximum of 4 temperature probes

Fibaro’s documentation is much worse than that of smart Implant, with less information to know how it works and endpoint uses each function.

This is equivalent to developing a specific driver for it and many hours of work and debugging, I’m sorry but I won’t be able to do it

Alright, I think I’m making headway. Just to make sure I understand the process correctly:

Setting the virtual device action to “Device Parameter Scan” allows me to list the currently set values for all the available parameters for the main device. Switching the action to “Device Parameter Configure”, I can then change those parameters by manually entern the corresponding value.

For example, in my particular case, the Technisat series switch returns these values:

Do I understand the reading correctly and the switch only provides 4 different settings (parameter 1 through 4)?

But is there a way to find out, what each parameter does exactly? Looking at the code for the old DTH, my guess would be that the refer to the “paramZwaveNum” entries.

But without having such a documentation, what would one do to find out the purpose for the parameters? Just trial and error?

			title: "Wattage meter report interval",
			descr: "Interval of current wattage meter reports in 10 seconds. 3 ... 8640 (30 seconds - 1 day)",
			key: "wattageMeterReportInterval",
			paramName: "Set Value (3..8640)",
			type: "number", 
			range: "3..8640",
			enableSwitch: true,
			enableSwitchDefaultValue: true,
			enableKey: "wattageMeterReportDisable",
			paramZwaveNum: 2,
			paramZwaveSize: 1
			title: "Energy meter report interval",
			descr: "Interval of active energy meter reports in minutes. 10 ... 30240 (10 minutes - 3 weeks)",
			key: "energyMeterReportInterval",
			enableSwitch: true,
			enableSwitchDefaultValue: true,
			enableKey: "energyMeterReportDisable",
			paramName: "Set Value (10..30240)",
			type: "number", 
			range: "10..30240",
			paramZwaveNum: 3, 
			paramZwaveSize: 2
			title: "Operation mode of buttons T1 - T4",
			descr: "Operation mode of buttons T1 - T4",
			key: "buttonModeSetting",
			paramName: "Select",
			type: "enum",
			values: [
				0: "0 - top buttons turn outputs on, bottom buttons turn outputs off",
				1: "1 - buttons toggle the outputs on/off"
			paramZwaveNum: 4, 
			paramZwaveSize: 1

Yes, I do not know why your device respond repeating parameter1.

What each parameter does is in the documentation of the device and if they don’t have the documentation:

  • You can search for it in ZWave Alliance web page


  • If you don’t get it or documentation has not parameters info, I recommend that you don’t change the parameters without knowing what each of them does.

  • If you want to change parameter 4 for example:

    • Change to the profile " Device Parameter Configure"
    • Write the parameter number: 4
    • Write the size of the parameter: 1
    • Write the new value of the parameter: 1 or 0
    • Select the Send action and press execute action
    • Once sent, the new value reported by the device will be displayed
  • To reset them to factory settings, you can do a factory reset by following the steps in the documentation

Hello @Mariano_Colmenarejo , today I have lost the rest of the devices that worked with groovy, including Philip Pan04 and Pan06 and FGS-222. adding them again creates them as a normal switch without its child. by modifying the parameters of pan 04 and 06 they manage to actuate the device in the switch but it does not change the state in the application for each channel. if you acted it in the app it works. I already modified the parameters 31, 1 byte, value 2. but without effect. I send a photo of the devices. In the case of fgs222 the same thing happens. However, the switch was charged more than 3 times, it changes the state and it shows in the app. Could you confirm what is happening? thank you

Hello @Mariano_Colmenarejo.
Here are logs of a Window that was closed at the beggining:

OPEN → Stayed at 18%

Full Open/Close takes around 23,5 seconds.
The value that stays visible on the app show up around 5 seconds after the command and then it won’t change anymore.

This is my biggest window, I have other 2 window sizes.

Hi @andre_petinga

I see in the logs that your device does not send power and energy reports.

Set the to refresh the level while power or energy reports are received, as requested the other user

If you activate the power and energy reports in preferences I think it should work

Hi @Jesus_De_Oliveira

Which controller have you paired the stock Z-Wave Switch with?

In my Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc controller there is only the FGS-222 and the PAN11-1B

-id: 0013C/0001/0011
     deviceLabel: Philio PAN11-1B
     manufacturerId: 0x013C
     productType: 0x0001
     productId: 0x0011
     deviceProfileName: metering-plug

The FGS-222 should work fine and the other two would have to be added, are they a double and triple switch without power and energy?

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo as stated the fgs222 is a fan but it doesn’t change state when toggling it on the switch i have to charge 3 times. is configured as toggle. bread 06 has two channels. Bread 04 is made from two channels plus consumer medicine. the smart things smart switch edge adds it but the same thing happens as yours does not update the state when switching on the switch

Hello @Mariano_Colmenarejo.
What preferences do you mean??
I never changed any preferences redarding power and energy reports, all my values are the default values.
What I have is:
Parameter 40 (Power reports on change) → 11
Parameter 42 (Energy reports periodic) → 3600
Parameter 43 (Energy reports on change) → 10
Parameter 44 (Power with self consumption) → Self-consumption not included