(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Edge Drivers and others with FIBARO devices:

Hi @JosP

Yes, 5 sec is the default delay that libraries use to read the shutter status after sending the command.

reading the status when the consumption drops below 5w is complicated since it uses the default libraries for the c.c. put and open to write it in the driver.

I’ll see tomorrow if something can be done

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Hi Mariano,

Thanks for your fast response!
About the 5 seconds: I’ve also 3 Qubino roller shutters. By these the reported %level after 5 sec. is correct; it’s the same level as the given command and not the level at the moment of the 5 seconds.
Sometimes it refreshes, for example: by the open command, after 5 seconds the reported level is 99% and when the screen is open after 5 seconds 100% is displayed.

Maybe this extra information can help …

I think the problem is with the z-wave devices. @Mariano_Colmenarejo said something about this in the past. The devices don’t update their status correctly. In my case, I have 6 Fibaro Roller Shutter 2, and if I send the Open command, for example, the % stays at a low level, like 10% or something similar. And sometines ir stays like this for several minutes… If I try to refresh, with swype, nothing changes.

I have a few Roller Shutter 2’s and the open close and percentage is always correct, using Mariano’s driver, within 5 seconds.

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Hi @dotan_shai @JosP @andre_petinga

This driver version merged with TEST version with functions Invert status preference for FGR-222 and FRG-221 added

 Name         Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2023-08-10T11:58:28.475738549

@JosP @andre_petinga

Qubino driver uses custom handler to set shadelevel, open and close commands.
In this qubino subdriver emit the % value target regardless of whether the level has been reached or not.

In the defaults handler a delay of 5 sec is used to read the current level.

constants.MIN_DIMMING_GET_STATUS_DELAY = 5 --seconds

I have also corrected an error that was in the profiles, I added the refresh capability, inherited from the first versions of the stok driver.
This made the refresh in the app not work

Try this version to see how it works

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I’ve tested this driver but unfortunately I experience exactly the same behaviour …

Hi Mariano

Can you look next case related FGBS-222

Fibaro Smart Implant MC
Driver 2020-06-07T10:30:21

Temperature graphs not presented correctly

  • Ext temperature Graph is not updated according real temperature readings
  • Temperature Data in history page is right, updated and changing
  • Graph is flat, i.e. same value used always when graph is presented
    • Same issue at Hour, min, day views
    • Same issue with android and IOS platforms
  • See attached picture
    • Hour view current temp around 17, some hours ago 15 but bars always β€œfull length”


Hi @jjl

The driver has nothing to do with the construction of the graphics.
They are built by the app with the events that the driver sends to the platform. If it sends a value of 15ΒΊC and it is represented with a bar of 22ΒΊC, it must be an error in the App.

Do you have a temperature correction offset configured in preferences? maybe it has something to do with it.

Do the graphs for other temperature devices display ok? does it display

could be Your motors slow? as other users seem to be reporting the correct status within 5 seconds.

If you want to send some logs to see what the device sends after the 5 sec has elapsed and when the movement ends, you could analyze it.

Did you test if the manual app refresh works in the app with this version?

Just tested the new driver:
At 0%, sending Open Command, the % stays at 18%
At 100%, sending Close Command, the % stays at 80%
Refreshing now works! The only thing weird is, after the refresh (swype), the value is updated, but at the bottom of the screen shows the message β€œThere was a problem connecting. Try again later” (or something like it, because my app is in Portuguese)

So, at least 1 problem was solved, the refresh now works. Thanks!


Temp offset is 0 (zero)

Other (multiple different brands, types) similar devices which shows temperature in same format are working fine. And they work well in both platforms IOS and Anroid only this one works differently.

Scalling of graph looks to be working (min / max values in right side are correct). When scrolling over bars right value is shown. Only graph heigh is wrong.

br JJL

@andre_petinga @JosP
Try this driver version
I put read level and status when power meter report is handled

 Name         Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2023-08-11T13:03:06.658189718        

Still the same result.

And now I tested with other window size, a smaller one, and to the result is the same, just changes the %. Stays at 34% when opening and 67% when closing.

And only when I swype, it shows the correct value.

If someone @andre_petinga or @JosP sends me logs with the CLI of the complete process when a new level is clicked and another when it opens or closes, I can try to see something

Distance netwerk 0 and 100% is about 2,3 meter or 7.5 feet and it takes 25 seconds

For me also the same result.
How can I make the logs?

For now I cannot send you the logs.
Vacation mode = active :grin:

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This is a tutorial to install CLI an capture logs in windowa

2 posts were split to a new topic: Device history multi components devices vs single component device

Just set up a Technisat series switch with your Edge driver. The basic stuff works fine, but the old official DTH had some additional configuration options:

private getParameterMap() {
			title: "Wattage meter report interval",
			descr: "Interval of current wattage meter reports in 10 seconds. 3 ... 8640 (30 seconds - 1 day)",
			key: "wattageMeterReportInterval",
			paramName: "Set Value (3..8640)",
			type: "number", 
			range: "3..8640",
			enableSwitch: true,
			enableSwitchDefaultValue: true,
			enableKey: "wattageMeterReportDisable",
			paramZwaveNum: 2, 
			paramZwaveSize: 1
			title: "Energy meter report interval",
			descr: "Interval of active energy meter reports in minutes. 10 ... 30240 (10 minutes - 3 weeks)",
			key: "energyMeterReportInterval",
			enableSwitch: true,
			enableSwitchDefaultValue: true,
			enableKey: "energyMeterReportDisable",
			paramName: "Set Value (10..30240)",
			type: "number", 
			range: "10..30240",
			paramZwaveNum: 3, 
			paramZwaveSize: 2
			title: "Operation mode of buttons T1 - T4",
			descr: "Operation mode of buttons T1 - T4",
			key: "buttonModeSetting",
			paramName: "Select",
			type: "enum",
			values: [
				0: "0 - top buttons turn outputs on, bottom buttons turn outputs off",
				1: "1 - buttons toggle the outputs on/off"
			paramZwaveNum: 4, 
			paramZwaveSize: 1

Would it be possible to add those to your Edge driver for this device?

id: TechniSat ZM5101/Double-Switch
deviceLabel: TechniSat ZM5101 Double-Switch
manufacturerId: 0x0299
productType: 0x0003
productId: 0x1A91