(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Edge Drivers and others with FIBARO devices:

Yes, they are the parameters.

I don’t see power and energy logs. My specific question is: does the power and energy information work on your FGR-222 devices?

Yes, @Mariano_Colmenarejo.

So why don’t I see in the logs that you sent the power and energy messages? did you remove them?

In those power and energy handlers I put the code to update the state of the blind level when I update the power or energy.

Messages should be received when there is no more consumption or when it varies more than +/-11% W from the previous value, according to the parameters that you have assigned

What are the exact fingerprints of your devices?

I did not delete any lines of the log.
I copied everything and pasted it here…
I’ll try with another blind…

What are the exact fingerprints of your devices?

Do you mean that it responds to the 3rd time you change the physical switch?

What do you have in parameter 13?

  1. Switching and relationship of device state
    Maps the state of the toggle switch (bistable) to the state of the device.
    Available configurations:
    0 – turn on/off device in switch state
    1 – device state depends on switch state (device is on when switch is on and vice versa)
    Default setting: 0
    Parameter size: 1 [byte]

What I see in your captures is that a device type: 0x0012 has 2 endpoints with the same command class, I understand that it is a double switch

Other have type: 0x0013 has 3 endpoints with the same command class, I understand that it is a triple switch

For them to work in my driver I have to add them, but I need to know exactly what they are

@Mariano_Colmenarejo I send you my parameters and I modified this and still it does not respond. only charging three times changes the state. something that doesn’t make sense. I send you print. something happens in its configuration, the cables are fine because it previously worked. Tell me what you need to be able to work with bread 04 and 06. It’s urgent I have three rooms without working. the ones I have are two-channel. both.

Change this parameter “Bistable Key Status” to value = “(On/Off) changes status”

- name: "bistableKeyStatus"
    title: "Bistable Key Status"
    description: "Parameter 13 defines Assigns bistable key status to the device status"
    required: false
    preferenceType: enumeration
        0: "(On/Off) changes status"
        1: "Depends on key status"
      default: 0

I’m going to add them as a double switch.

I am sorry that at the moment the creation of child devices does not work due to something that has been changed on the platform, I hope this will be fixed soon

@Mariano_Colmenarejo, I appreciate that you can add it as a double switch. Please, that the state of the switch can work. Now with Fibaro they already change the parameter and it continues the same, the state in the application does not change when loading the switch

Added to this diver version.

 Name         Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc
 Version      2023-08-19T15:22:06.417992182        
- id: 0013C/0001/0012
    deviceLabel: Philio PAN04
    manufacturerId: 0x013C
    productType: 0x0001
    productId: 0x0012
    deviceProfileName: dual-switch
  - id: 0013C/0001/0013
    deviceLabel: Philio PAN06
    manufacturerId: 0x013C
    productType: 0x0001
    productId: 0x0013
    deviceProfileName: dual-switch #has 3 endpoint

Try uninstall device and reinstall it or reboot The hub


I don’t understand how the power and energy events work and the messages are not seen in the log

@Mariano_Colmenarejo I that I already added Pan06. but the same thing happens with the Fibaro does not update the state when loading on the switch. I added parameter 31 to it, but it still doesn’t work. The Fibaro continues the same, I have already paid, restart the hub. factory parameters of the device and does not change the state when charging on the switch the same with pan06

Yes, it is weird…
If I go to History tab on the app I can see the W there…


If you send me logs with CLI, I can try to see something.
I can’t do more about the logs, but it seems strange to me.


Have you excluded the devices and added them again?

Switching drivers may not work, smartthings is making changes without warning, and a driver switch may not call the init lifecycle and not properly assign enpoints to components

@Mariano_Colmenarejo With the Fibaro and the Pan 06 I have no news, the switches continue the same when they are loaded, the app does not update. now with Pan04 the S1 switch works, but the child created in S2 is not updated in the app. one strange thing is that loading on the S2 updates the main one. it shouldn’t happen like this.

Good morning @Mariano_Colmenarejo , do you have any information about this or an update?


As I told you, if you send me logs with the cli of the problem, I could try to analyze what is happening, otherwise it is impossible to know what is happening.

The Fgs-222 has been in the driver for 2 years and no one, that I know of, has it working badly.

If you have to press the physical switch 3 times to turn on the light, it has nothing to do with the driver, since the switch should directly change the state of the relay, without intervention from the driver, to turn on the light and then inform the hub.

This behavior may be due to the fact that parameter 13 is set to 1: “Depends on key status” and indicates that the On and Off physical positions of the device are fixed.
I have tried it on a fgs-223, which is similar

Try to change value again. The value shown in prefernces It does not ensure that the device has accepted and saved the value since it is not the value read, it is only the last value sent to device

@Mariano_Colmenarejo Ok I’m going to do the procedure again and verify, I’ve also tried it with another switch but the problem persists. And with respect to PAN04 and PAN06, the same thing happens. In other words, it does not update the state in the app when loading in the app.