(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Edge Drivers and others with FIBARO devices:

Thanks Mariano. Yes I noticed that by default the external temp probes were turned off. These are the settings I have now:

When I added it first time, you told me that RGB dimmer appeared, it wasn’t blurred.

The profile have the capbility:

name: fibaro-rgbw-controller-2
- id: main
  - id: switch
    version: 1
  - id: switchLevel
    version: 1
  - id: powerMeter
    version: 1
  - id: energyMeter
    version: 1
  - id: legendabsolute60149.programmedSequence
    version: 1
  - id: refresh
    version: 1
  - name: Light
- id: rgb
  - id: switch
    version: 1
  - id: switchLevel
    version: 1
  - id: colorControl
    version: 1
  - name: Light

I don’t know what is happening, if there is any problem in the app with the profiles, I just saw that all the icons in the app have returned to the default icon by category and cannot be changed.

Try to reboot de hub

this is maddening

I left this running overnight and there were no updates on the External sensors. The internal temperature of the Smart Implant updated every 2-4minutes.

Any idea why the temperatures are not updating in the main Smart Implant tile? Once the virtual sensors are created, should I turn off the blue toggles? I have tried it both with the β€˜Create Virtual Thermostat’ switches on and off.

Exclude the device with app
remove power to device an repower it with all 4 external probes connected
re-pair directly device with the driver

Thanks for the quick response but I am missing something here. I tried excluding the device in the app but that wouldn’t work so I went to the SmartThings web login. There I was able to select the main, parent, device and delete it. This also deleted all four of the child devices.

Next I removed power as instructed and powered it up with the probes connected. I think the error I am making is your β€˜repair directly with the driver’. In order to add the device back in, I clicked β€˜+’ in SmartThings to add a device and put the Smart Implant device in pairing mode (3 clicks on the push button) and the device was added back in. I then went into settings for the device and changed the driver to the 4 input external sensor driver and I’m back where I started.

How do I β€˜re-pair directly with the driver’?

Thanks for all your help.

That is what you have now done correctly.

Change the settings of parameters 67 and 68 and it should work.

If it doesn’t work, I can’t help you anymore, I don’t have the device and I don’t have practical experience of how it works.

Surely there are users who are using it and know the process so that it works perfectly and can help you

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Thanks Mariano. This fix didn’t help and I checked the wiring. No external temp readings are being received and reported by the Smart Implant. I will do more reading here in the hope someone else has run into the same issue.



There ks other specific thread for smart Implant

@TapioX could you help in this issue?

Try these instructions:

First make Z-Wave Exclusion
Fibaro Smart Implant menu in SmartThings App

  1. Click Remove
  2. Quickly, triple click button on the device housing or switch connected to IN1 or IN2.
  3. LED will start blinking yellow, wait for the removing process to end.

Then Readd Smart Implant to SmartThings

  1. In SmartThings App select add device and then scan for nearby devices
  2. Quickly, triple click button on the device housing or switch connected to IN1 or IN2.
  3. If you are adding in Security S2 Authenticated, scan the DSK QR code or input the underlined part of the DSK (on the device label).
  4. LED will start blinking yellow, wait for the adding process to end.

Then select correct profile from Smart Implant’s settings (in detail view)

Fibaro’s instructions are old and my notes are also getting old very quickly.

Great Job !!
This version works. I temporary changed to your previous Zwave Bulb MC and back to Zwave Bulb MC-TEST. THAT’S DID THE JOB
Look great the Sider of the dimmer is same Color as the light it self…

Also works great with Sharptools as I wanted from the beginning
@joshua_lyon , if possible and according to you opinion , better change the Color of slider as the color of RGB …

I found a small β€œglitch” , the dimmer slider and colors does not appear in multi Tile type, no problem in Single Tile Type…

Thanks again… Shai

So there was something strange on the platform so that the change did not appear in the profile and it appeared today without having changed the driver.

The version you have is the same as the other day that didn’t work

Yes, I already told you that it only worked in the simple tile profile.

I am going to create the VID for the multiple tile and I am going to add the switchLevel in the β€œwithe” component as well, because tomorrow someone will want to do the same as you with the β€œrgb” component

This version woks with multi tile too and has switchLevel in β€œwithe” component

Please, perform a complete test of the function to check all work fine sine this will be the Mc driver version when you confirm it works fine

 Name         Z-Wave Bulb Mc-TEST
 Version      2023-08-08T19:34:27.657968485

I found some issues:

  1. Multi Tile does not display Dimmer % and not RGB button. only main button and white button
  2. In my case white button dimmer is not doing anything. white dimmer always inactive.
  3. main dimmer slider is sync to change in RGB dimer slider but not vice versa. Change in Main dimmer slider will not shown in RGB dimmer slider.
  4. Not sure if this is a problem, While in Programmed sequence (Rainbow for example). Touching the dimmer will immediate change the sequence to inactive and single color will appear.
    5.in multi Tile, no dimmer and button for RGB

I did not check all setting parameters…

Thanks for this. They were helpful instructions. I didn’t realize that in order to remove a device you had to put it in pairing mode by hitting the button three times. I did this in the app after clicking β€˜remove’ and the device, and its child devices, was deleted.

Then I went to the add instructions and I saw the following:

I went to setup and scanned the QR code and got the Success! Message
I then went into the device settings and changed the profile to β€˜4 External Temperature Probe’ under the first line in β€˜settings’'. I also changed the sliders to β€˜on’ on the β€˜Create Virtual thermostat’ 1-4 and updated fields 67 & 68 to 5 & 60 second updates. That changed the device detail panel to one with spaces for four temperature probes:

However these temperatures do not get updated. Just as before.

I should note that when I go to the device details page, I get a brief (1/2 second) message pop up at the bottom of the screen that says β€˜This device hasn’t updated all its status information yet. Check again later’. I have waited an hour or so and no update. The Smart Implant is connected to the hub ok as it’s reporting the internal temperatures every second or so.

Any ideas? I am thinking of starting off with just one sensor to see if that works. In that way I can check the sensors out.


Sorry, I put VID of RGBW-1 instead of RGBW-2

 Name         Z-Wave Bulb Mc-TEST
 Version      2023-08-08T21:06:23.020925321

I found some issues:

  1. In my case white button dimmer is not doing anything. white dimmer always inactive.
  2. main dimmer slider is synced to changes in RGB dimer slider but not vice versa. Change in Main dimmer slider will not shown in RGB dimmer slider.
  3. Not sure if this is a problem, While in Programmed sequence (Rainbow for example). Touching the dimmer will immediate change the sequence to inactive and single color will appear.
  4. While Going from Dashboard to details, RGB dimmer is shown as -% . While Main dimmer is shown the recent % (e.g 26%)

I did not check all setting parameters…


Try this version

 Name         Z-Wave Bulb Mc-TEST
 Version      2023-08-09T11:39:44.397167108
  1. In my case white button dimmer is not doing anything. white dimmer always inactive. - The same , fine for me
  2. main dimmer slider is synced to changes in RGB dimer slider but not vice versa. Change in Main dimmer slider will not shown in RGB dimmer slider. - WORKS GREAT !! even white is synced
  3. Not sure if this is a problem, While in Programmed sequence (Rainbow for example). Touching the dimmer will immediate change the sequence to inactive and single color will appear. - The same
  4. While Going from Dashboard to details, RGB dimmer is shown as -% . While Main dimmer is shown the recent % (e.g 26%) - Works !!

All was tested in muti Tille style.

Reverse is working , the % are reversed. I checked with NON reverse shutter that does not need that function.

in my case 100% - shutter is closed on app show Open , 0% - Shutter is open on app show close
and Open and close button in app , Open button - closed , close button - opened
Which is fine…

The mechanical switch not reverse , which is fine.

Can be merged to Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc , if you want…

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This must be that the device does that by default, the driver has nothing to do with that behavior

I will merge with driver Mc

 Name         Z-Wave Bulb Mc
 Version      2023-08-12T16:21:24.785652175        
1 Like

I also have problems with the reported %level of the screens. I’am using 7 FGR-222 modules with the β€œz-wave window treatment mc” driver.

My conclusions:

Calibration is OK
Commands to set the screens to a certain %level are excecuted correct, only the reported % is false.
The reported level is the % reached after 5 seconds going up or down. When the same command is given again, nothing happens because the screen is already at the right place. However, the displayed % is updated after five seconds and is now correct.

My question:

Is it possible to insert a refresh after the command is excecuted for example when the powerconsumtion is lower as 5 watt?