How to schedule reminders
EchoSistant comes with the ability of scheduling various reminders…
The Main Skill has the ability to remind you when you need to change your HVAC filters…via audio or text notification.
By default it is set to schedule the reminder for 90 days (to change the default, head to your app, click Main Home Control, then Change Defaults - here you can set the number of days you’d like to be reminded to change the filters AND also you can select on what speaker(s) or phone (s) the reminder will be delivered to.
To activate the reminder, just say:
Alexa, I changed the filters in my Home
Alexa tell my Home, I changed the filters
Alexa will confirm the date and time of your scheduled reminder…
The Profile Skill is capable of scheduling FREE TEXT reminders.
To use the Profile reminders:
First you need to create a Massaging and Control Profile. Next, select how you want the reminder message to be delivered (audio or text - via ‘Send these Message Types…’ page).
Next, select the visual alerts via ‘Select Location and Device Actions’ - I personally like to flash lights when a reminder is due.
There are 3 slots available for custom reminders on each Profile.
To schedule a reminder say:
Alexa tell Profile to schedule a reminder (or remind me) to < reminder text >
Alexa will then ask for how long… acceptable answers are : x minutes or x hours or x days
…to check your scheduled reminders say:
Alexa ask Profile what reminders …(I have OR do I have)
… to cancel a reminder say:
Alexa tell Profile to cancel reminder one, or two or three. Also, you may say, Alexa cancel reminder to if you can remember the EXACT text of the reminder. Asking Alexa what reminders do you have, makes things easier to know which slot you want to cancel or what reminder text you used.
Let me know if you have an idea on how to improve the reminders…