Driver for Aqara FP1E Presence Sensor (Direct Hub Connection via Zigbee)

SmartThings Community,

I would like to share a driver for the Aqara FP1E Presence Sensor. This driver allows you to connect the FP1E directly to a SmartThings Hub via Zigbee without the need for an Aqara hub (for bridging). The driver brings out the sensor’s ability to provide the distance to the detected object as a custom capability attribute. I am not aware of any other sensor that allows you to do this (even the FP2 driver, to the best of my knowledge). Presence and motion sensors are also implemented. Use the “AI Spatial Learning” switch after on-boarding to improve accuracy.

Please provide feedback, suggestions and bug reports if you like. If there are folks in other countries that would like the target distance attribute to be configurable to allow the use of meters as the unit I can add that as well. Please let me know.

Disclaimer: I am a SmartThings employee but this driver does not carry WWST certification and is not subject to our typical QA/testing activities nor is it in any way endorsed by SmartThings or Aqara. Please use at your own risk/discretion.

Channel Invite Link:
** Driver ID ** fc258541-13f3-4458-9f92-2bb474b638d2


Is the code available on GitHub?

Not at this time.

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I’ve tried to add the FP1E to my Samsung branded (not Aeotec) v3 hub and had no issues adding/pairing it with the hub.

However the status never updates and always shows as detected (even when I put it into and facing a corner). The details never get updated either.

If you can point me to the direction to grab logs, I’ll see what I can grab this weekend. The hub itself is only about ~3 meters away from the FP1E. I’m not using any repeaters either.

Thanks for the driver and taking your time to write it.

I can only add 1 photo at a time but here’s how the details page looks like.

Stayed like that for over 24h.

Looks like your device isn’t configured correctly. This happens when you switch drivers without deleting the device first. Delete the device, add it back and if it still doesn’t report data, refresh by pulling down on the details screen.

You can also log in here…

… select the device and click refresh in the commands section.

Thanks I’ll try to refresh it via the webui. I didn’t switch any drivers or anything.

Brand New fp1e and haven’t linked it to the aqara app yet as I don’t have the aqara hub.

I enrolled the driver > scan nearby > added. Then I waited ~10 minutes for the device to finish reporting data. Then I tried pull to refresh several times.

Where would I go to find logs on the webui so we can figure out what’s going on?

Thanks again

Edit: not FP2, meant to say FP1E. (Dealing with other issues with the FP2 but that’s another topic)

This thread is about the FP1E, a Zigbee device…

The FP2 works out of the box. You have to add and configure it in the Aqara Home app first - you don’t need an Aqara hub as it’s a wifi device - and the rest is history…

(This is how you lose faith in humanity, @Mariano_Colmenarejo)

Don’t worry @Bryan065 we understood that you meant FP1E, you wrote it clearly in your first post, you’ve just happened upon the most tiresome 1. This driver is great and I can confirm it definately works because I’ve used it. If you still havent managed to include it, things you can try is delete it from ST app, and re-include again, or try factory reset, 10 second press. Including is a 5 second press. Also deleting ST app cache. Change 5 volt adaptor, this device only needs 1 amp anyway, but a 2 amp one wont hurt. You can also try Maeiano’s FP1E driver. Good luck and let us know.

So everything is working perfectly now. Turns out it was the power supply. I had tried it with various 5V1A adapters and it would never update the original status after pairing.

Pulled out my lab PSU and turns out it wanted just over 1a in my case? After everything updated and started working the first time, it’s working perfectly after with 5V1A.

Thanks again for the help and this might help anyone else having issues.

Try 5V2A adapters if it doesn’t work the first few times!


I am a bit confused. Since the removal of the ide access how do I add new code integrations into my SmartThings hub v2 ? I’m trying to add the FP1E Aqara presence sensor but having absolutely no luck even though it’s in the list of Aqara things. The only thing missing in the list is the e on the end of the device list. Any help would be much appreciated.

I am glad to see that there are some folks out there who are finding this driver useful. @Bryan065 thank you for sharing your experience of troubleshooting the power supply. The product box specifies 5V1A but perhaps there is a spectrum of quality in the implementations of various supplies where it is better to miss on the high side (2A).

@p_t Instead of picking the device from the list when attempting to on-board can you try selecting “Scan QR code” from the “Add a Device” dialog and then scan the “Install Code” QR code that is labeled on the neck of the sensor?


That did work. Thanks for the reply. :+1:t3: