Double Tap GE Zave Switch

I am going bananas. I have read high and low and fiddled with every site/setting, played with Device Config MC and cannot for the life of me set my recently replaced GE Zwave switch to double tap on and off another light in the room.

Please help. I have Edge drivers installed and I remember it being the Network ID but that isn’t working. I have spent that last hour reading and trying to figure this out. ANY help would be great.

What Edge Driver are you using?

Z-Wave Switch CS

That is the one I would have suggested.

I do it with a simple routine. See below

So I think I have it figured out. The switch I have is actually one of these - UltraPro 700 Series Z-Wave In-Wall Smart Rocker Light Dimmer, but it showed up as a GE/Jasco switch initially. Swapped around between the CS and Phil drivers. None of them would work with the network ID. I tried the network ID on another switch I knew for sure was a GE/Jasco switch and bam, it worked using the two digit code. There’s two hours of my life gone but I know a little more than when I started, so that’s a good thing.

I don’t want to do the routine because a nice feature of that double tap is that it will also brighten and dims the lights. This is on the kitchen light switch and the double tap is the under cabinet light, which has a switch by the sink and not near where you enter the room. The double tap dimming is nice. I am swapping the switches to get them working the way I would like them to.

Thanks for the reply and help!

The ultrapro line is also made by Jasco, but the firmware is a little different.

Good to know! I messaged Phil to see if he would be able to add something in to make it work. Thank you!

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Phil has mostly retired from ST driver development.

I’ve taken over a couple of his drivers, including the ones for Jasco devices (aka Zwave Switch CS).

Reading this thread im not understanding what you are needing with regards to double tap. I’m also not following with why you’re mentioning the “2 digit code” and “network ID”. Are you trying to do something with Zwave associations?

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