Does SmartThings Direct Connected Devices require esp-idf v3.3?

Does SmartThings Direct Connected Devices require esp-idf v3.3? Or can I update to the latest? The only tutorial I could find specifically mentioned to use v3.3, even though there were later versions available. This is the tutorial I used:

I’ve tried to update to v4.4, but I’m getting the following error when I try to export the new esp-idf to my project:

‘/src/include/bsp’ is not a directory.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

@nayelyz for visibility

Here is the current github repo and some more docs

Along with a codelab

@jody.albritton thank you for the reply. I don’t see anywhere in those links discussing which esp-idf versions are supported. I know when you made that post on how to make direct connected esp32 devices, you said to use v3.3. Just wondering if later versions are supported now.