Continuing the discussion from Neos Insurance and Smartthings:
I have just joined this forum, and hope that someone out there can help me, and this pot is under an appropriate heading
I have just had my house wrecked in ‘a water escape incident’ - about 20k£ worth of damage.
As there seemed nothing on the market, I decided to construct my own ‘Leak Prevention System’.
I bought a ball valve from Conexion (sic) Developments, plugged into a Smart Things Outlet, seven Smart Things Moisture Sensors, and a ST hub, controlled by the ST App on iPaD. The Automations programmed, to turn on the normally open valve, whenever moisture was detected.
It worked a dream. Or so I thought. It works about three out of four times. ST support insist that it is a connectivity problem with the siting of the sensors, but my experience would suggest otherwise.
This is what happens. On detecting water (from any one of the seven sensors, dunked in water) it notifies my iPhone, and energises the outlet to close the valve. Or it should. Sometimes, although it says it has switched on the outlet it has not. If I then switch the outlet from the iPad screen it works perfectly, and will then work, automatically, on subsequent wettings.
So, that is the issue. Outlet not energising on first detection of water, but fine on subsequent dunkings.
Although the other components were readily available from Argos, John Lewis, Curry’s etc. Of course the outlet is not. I managed to find one on eBay from the person selling them from the starter kits. I suspect the outlet is dodgy, but cant find another, that I could trust.
If there is anyone out there who could help, thanks.[quote=“wrc, post:1, topic:131569, full:true”]
Anybody here looked at Neos Insurance.
It looks like they supply some a Z-wave hub and Fibaro devices. I’ve asked if it integrates with SmartThings but they said currently is doesn’t. It does integrate with Amazon Echo devices so I’d assume some sort of API or at least IFTTT connectivity.
Anybody tried them or know more about it?