Discontinuation of MyQ Connect Community SmartApp

They are one and the same…

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Thanks for the clarification. Thats what I thought .

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This is extremely unfortunate.

Short version: I’m upset.

Long version:

By working with I think you mean negotiating. Partnership team = sales team.

You’ve been ‘working on this’ since the beginning of time. What possibly reason is there to believe a statement that it’s officially coming?

Do I need to change out 4 garage door openers and buy a relay kit if i want them integrated into ST

IMO shit, or get off the pot. Stop with the false hope it will only make others purchase into something you aren’t seriously planning on.

Isn’t that SmartThings business as usual? :speak_no_evil:

Seriously… I think SmartThings sincerely “plans” a lot of stuff / features and even puts a lot of effort into it. But intention != result.


Conspiracy anyone?

Besides the wild speculation I posted? … What do you imply is the “conspiracy” and what evidence? :open_mouth:

Oh… This has some history: (March 10th…?)

So I responded in that thread…


We were told we would get an official integration “soon” almost a YEAR ago!!!

The fact that the most purchased garage door brand is still not supported, and that the most connected light on the planet is still in labs after more than two years, says a lot about this company’s ability to ‘get things done’.

It is simply mind numbing.


Wow. This is disappointing. I recommend we all also put pressure on MyQ to get an official integration done as well. Both parties should want this equally. This isn’t Smartthings fault but it is. MyQ is pretty much the only commercial game in town for garage automation and folks like Nest and Wink have this working officially, but yet ST hasn’t gotten it done. The bad thing is IFTTT, Yonomi or Stringify doesn’t integrate with MyQ either so we literally have no work around. Can someone please correct me here if I am wrong?

Wink just looked a lot better today :frowning:

Well it’s 5/6 here 6am and mine still works:grinning:


yea this Times 365. MyQ + ST was one of the major needs that got me sucked into the HA rabbit hole. I am getting tired of all the hollow promises about stuff from ST.

So we lost RM, Now we loose MyQ, what next? Are they going to kill the nest manager? Maybe kill of SmartTiles?


Wow. Not being a user of this, but this sets a very disturbing policy. Instead of fixing the app, blocking it.

Sure it probably violated my q TOS. But if it’s open, then St should allow it. My q should shut it down not St.

This is a very slippery slope. So much for an open platform. Guess this is the start of the guard rails?


I don’t think that MyQ/Chamberlain is where the issue lies. I believe that ST doesn’t want to pay for the API access.

I think you are right about the era of ‘guard rails’ is here!. They have been whining for a while that this integration is resource intensive.

BTW, thanks for asking Robert and Alex for the local processing and pressuring to get a concrete answer…

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I don’t think (at least I sure hope) that ST didn’t shut down the code on their side. To me it sounded like @copyninja withdrew the app so that new forum members weren’t confused when it didn’t work. He left it available on his GitHub.

I know it’s all in humor but alexa works better than I imagined through the outside wall. :slight_smile: So I can see how this could be an issue. They still should at least give us the option at least if we want to ignore the risk.

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Have you seen @N8XD’s project video where it adds the additional security layer? Pretty neat, Although I’m not sure how secure it is yelling your password either - I would probably use it for a garage door (Door to the house from garage kept locked)

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Where one door closes another opens. More reason everything should be local. Someone should just spin up a rPi and a node.js relay.

Send a command to the rPi and have the rPi open/close the door via their api.

If ST shuts down the connection outbound, you can always get around it locally. At least until Chamberlain starts blocking all ips.

If Chamberlain would have just implemented a proper API, this wouldn’t be an issue.

And if ST had proper error logging and the ability to stop an app after it gets x errors and warn the user.

Wonder what will be next?


Well at least I can still use homebridge for this in a pinch :slight_smile:

I know many are dissapointed. I am too. Please don’t add salt to the wound. MyQ is the one shutting it down, not SmartThings. This thread is just to announce that it doesnt work anymore.

Perhaps @brbeaird will take up this challenge like he did with RainMachine.

This is the exact reason that everything isn’t efficient.

I withdrew it because of this thread.


Thanks for letting us know Jody. I appreciate that. I am, however, pretty frustrated by this. I don’t understand how getting a partnership for this has taken so long and is STILL not ready to go. People have been asking for this for quite a while and it has always been said that ST is working on it.

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