I’ve got Smarthings running on three hubs at three different locations. Two of the Utilitech TST01-1 water leak detectors continually go on and offline. There’s not pattern to their behavior. Other devices including GDO, Ring, Smokes, and a couple switch do not disappear and reappear like this. Power to the wifi/router is solid and I can reach security cameras over the Internet when a device bounces - so I don’t think it’s wifi / wifi power in anyway. The location doing this the most only has a small number of zwave devices (<10),
Any ideas or anyone seen devices bounce like that?
Hubs are running 000.053.0019
sensors are reporting model 000B-0001, and look like their running ST Z-Wave Sensor driver
Thanks @JDRoberts. WiFi - I just meant it’s not like the signal I was getting remotely (wife->router->me wherever> was solid.
All the devices are basically within 1-2 rooms and pretty much line of site to the SmartThings device. I guess I could throw a re-fresh the mesh command at it.