[DEPRECATED THREAD: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] WebCoRE - Example Pistons

The monster is on every TV in my home (with one phrase). “Alexa open the dashboard in the”… living room or bedroom or kitchen… Video coming soon…

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H is 2014. I might need to loosen a couple bolts on the wall mount

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Simple piston to give a green info that there is motion with a couple of spinning indicators.
Turns gray and inactive when motion stops.


@anon36505037: I exported this piston into my webcore. The only thing I changed was made it a contact sensor Smart things multipurpose.

I tested it out, but my message just says zero hours zero minutes and zero seconds.

what else do i have to change to get this to work? I’m thinking it has something to do with the mag lock engaged variable bit.

Thanks, Eric

ok thanks. Have a great sunday.

Happy Birthday, but just so you know, even though it’s your b-day, she’s still expecting to be taken out for dinner… it’s the woman’s nature :wink:


I know that some of it is my fault so I apologize :wink:

With some of my piston states being longer than simply “true/false”, they tend to get cut off on the dashboard when using a mobile device to look at them. Any chance to allow that text to wrap? Maybe just have the piston state on a second line below the piston name on smaller screens?

If not - no biggy either, I can just rotate my phone to landscape :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Here’s my Whole House Fan setup. I have 3 whole house fans and I setup pistons to satisfy a couple conditions.

Avg temp of inside, # of windows opened, outside temp rising, outside temp is lower than inside.

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I have a piston that’s basically a copy of the sample complex motion piston, but it does not behave as I expect.

It shuts the light off after my timeout period as expected, but it also shuts the light off if I’m still moving around in the room. I was expecting that based on the “stays inactive” condition, the piston would only fire after the inactivity timeout had passed.

I posted something about this in another thread a week or two ago and ady624 seemed skeptical of using a “stays” as a condition, which makes me wonder why this is included in one of the sample pistons.

In tracing through the piston it does seem that the “stays inactive” condition is returning true when I don’t expect it to.

Does anybody else have a better example of implementing the behavior I want:

lights on when motion
lights stay on as long as motion continues
lights turn off after when motion stops for a timeout period.

Post your non-working piston.

This a simple on when motion and off after 2 minutes that I use for laundry light …

Yes the piston above was working just fine yesterday. And I updated Web core and it stopped working. I don’t know what happened.

Command optimization was enabled today, disable it and try. Cog under piston settings.

You have a mix of triggers and conditions along with some other unnecessary stuff in there that might be causing problems. Try either of these approaches instead:

If motion stays inactive for 30 minutes
Then turn off
Else turn on

If motion is active
Then turn on
Wait 30 minutes (cancel on condition state change-default)
Turn off

I’ve been using the first one, it’s been working great for me.


Robin, using your piston as a template, with previousAge in it, it simply refuses to save… I’ve left it as long as 30 mins (!!!), but the bottom right spinning boxes never go away.

Removing previousAge & saving works just fine… Any ideas why?


Considering I cannot save it, a screenshot is the best I can do…

I’ve seen that saving error too. Not sure if ST is working on something involving the JsonSlurper, but I had the same issue then it just worked. Do you have a JSON error in the IDE?

Errrrrm, cough, how would I verify…?


This is all I get.
The webCoRE Dashboard however is still happily spinning…
