[DEPRECATED THREAD: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] WebCoRE - Example Pistons

Hey quick question for you, how did you go about hunting down all your sonos information?

Good old fashion trial and error

Iā€™ve tweaked things a little further.

  • Added support for fan only operating state (covers Airwave too I believe)
  • Changed the tile colors to match Nestā€™s actual coloring (Iā€™ll update heat/orange once I can test heat)
  • Tiles now update on change of operating state, actual temp or setpoint

Again, I need to change this to work with variables as this is an edit fest for anyone wanting to change it to their devices.

(The garbage on line 29 has been reported to Ady. Itā€™s just in the snapshot).

I reworked your piston to use any number of Thermostats - just add as many as you want to the initial thermostatList variable. I will create a tile for each thermostat and doesnā€™t require any editing of the piston (note that I only tried with a single thermostat but it should work with any numberā€¦).

Note: when using ā€œAutoā€ rather than ā€œHeatā€ or ā€œCoolā€, the thermostatSetpoint is 0 - I assume the coolingSetpoint and heatingSetpoint should be used instead.


Appreciate that, thanks!

Ah, thanks. I wondered when those other attributes were relevant.

Any examples on using a light switch to temporarily override motion-activated lights?

Anybody have a good dog door piston? Turns light on when door opens, then turns it off on the second close. Maybe with some work arounds for when the light is manually turned on, etc.

hmmm, was hoping to turn on on open, off on close. thanks though!

Just need to get @bamarayne to create his from http://thingsthataresmart.wiki/index.php?title=CoREsamples in webCoREā€¦ :nudge: :nudge: :wink: :wink:

@Automated_House try this:


This looks really elaborate and nice can you break this down for me to understand the purpose of why it is written the way it is and how does the variable play a role

@Ronald_Balu so the variable is just a check to show when someone is in the bathroom - the same thing you turn in a public toilet to show the stall is engaged. This variable is set as a global variable so I can control it from other sources e.g. When leaving home I can flip to default state if it didnā€™t go back to false correctly as part of the piston. It is defined as a Boolean variable (true/false).

The bottom IF section is designed to speak the text out of my Sonos speaker when the kids leave the bathroom door open and walk off.

The rest of the piston Ian pretty simple to follow:
if the bathroom door opens and the light is off inside the room, switch it on and set the variable to true (occupied).
When the door opens again, the person is leaving the room, so switch off the light and set the variable back to not occupied.
The last ELSE section from line 38 covers the door being opened and staying open for 10 seconds or more but not closing ( i.e. Kids go in to wash hands etc but donā€™t close the door behind them). Without this section the light would stay on when hand washing is finished and door finally closes

Yeah, UK, so you probably hard coded that ā€œyou should take an umbrellaā€ partā€¦


@anon36505037 how did you get your SMS icon into the device list? I cant seem the way to add my own external picture - it just shows all the build in icons


Really awesome stuff my only gripe is by the time Iā€™m out of my geofence Iā€™m usually 2 or 3 streets away too late to go back to an umbrella but maybe yours is some how smaller

2 questions

  1. which string represents % chance of precipitation?
    1.a do you know if it represents the current chance of rain at the moment you are leaving or the the chance of rain over a period of time like for the day
  2. Where in the code does it define the cut off amount so that it knows which text message to send the user between you should or shouldnā€™t need an umbrella
    2.a how does it know which to send are you using a predefined variable ?
  1. $weather data feature pop
    1a) it looks like he is looking at the max for the next 4 hours
  2. if it is greater than 30
    2a) he is using a ternary expression

Check out the $weather data features on the wiki as well as expressions.

@anon36505037 looking at your code you have [2],[1],[2],[3] for pop. Was the first 2 supposed to be 0?

Have an idea for you: if the last person home leaves, send another message showing if doors were left open, lights on, SHM/alarm/mode status, etcā€¦ ā€œRobin, you left the back door open, kitchen light on and forgot to turn on the alarm!ā€ :smile:

For us Americans lol :joy:


You guys kill me

And there really isnā€™t an equivalent to the American word ā€˜sunā€™ as thereā€™s mostly no use for it in the UK (although they did just have a freaky short heatwave).

I can joke, Iā€™m an ex-pat.