Delete smartapp

I seem to have forgotten to include an uninstall parameter on my smartapp. Now I can’t seem to remove it from the My Apps section. Is there another way to delete it?


You should be able to delete it from the IDE.

Also, you can add the uninstall param and publish your app. Then it should let you uninstall.

Is it even possible to not have it uninstallable? I don’t recall seeing in a SmartApp where you have to put in a commend to uninstall.

Where are you trying to remove it from? The MyApps section in your mobile phone? Or from the installed SmartApps that you are currently running.

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I think there is a way if you’re using pages. You can specifically state that some pages aren’t valid uninstall targets


Thanks guys, I didn’t realize that publishing updated a currently installed app.
Problem solved.