Current Mode - Does not change

Hope someone can help me out as I just started with ST.

I have couple of light switches with sensors that I would like to have turn on when there is motion only after sunset.
The action is based on the Day and night mode.

So in the Routines I added a Day mode and Night Mode.
Day Parameters: Change the mode to “DAY” Additional settings: 00:30 offset, Before, Sunrise

Night Paraments: Change the mode to “Night” Additional settings: 00:20 offset, After, Sunset

My lights are not turning on so I checked the IDE and its in DAY mode while its 7:02 PM already.

Am I missing something or is there a bug? Seems like a very simple task that should be done by the hub. So far everything in my setup has worked pretty well until now.

And yes, the Hub does show the sunrise and sunset times in IDE

wondering if this is my issue. I have some lights that are set to come on when I arrive home at “night” and they are coming on when I get home from work at 5:00. I’ll have to check

Looks like after about 24hrs the Modes started working as they should. I am starting to realize that if something does not work. Give it some time and eventually it should start working LOL.

Also I found an old Routine in IDE that was not in my App on the phone. I set it up just as a test and it was still active in IDE even though I deleted it on the phone app some time ago. Definity bugs with ST but happy to say everything is working as it should at this time for me.