Current Device Deals & Best Prices (link to new thread at bottom of thread)

I have several of these. They work very well and the device type is perfect. Just keep in mind that since this is a custom device type, if you use them in the Smart Lights app, that won’t be locally processed but cloud processed. Here’s the discussion:

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Looking to buy your significant other some jewelry for the holidays? Spend $499.99 or more at Helzberg Diamonds and get a FREE Amazon Echo

With this deal everybody wins! (minus your wallet)




Lol, you know you’ve made it as a small appliance when you’re a giveaway in a diamond purchase…


$500 in jewelry would probably not be enough for me to survive getting a 2nd Echo.

Both my HD’s are cleared out and I really need these, I need about 10 packs :frowning:

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Got photos in case my store doesn’t have them marked down.

I scored HUGE on the Lowe’s GE switches. I guess it’s only fair that ZERO of the Home Depots in my area carry any of the Quirky Trippers. I would’ve bought a ton. I’d even road trip a bit if I had any idea where I could find a decent amount in stock. Any ideas on how I could look for which stores in my surrounding area would have them?

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A skew would be awesome so that I could check online at the HDs near me…

The SKU for these is 1001375113

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Hi I don’t know where everyone is but Manhattan store has 56 in stock

Out of stock within 100 miles of me.

Wanna pick me up about 6? :slight_smile:

Check out my Post 1066 in this thread -

Needed this to finish off my Christmas list, oops, got a free Echo too. Great one!

Well I would but I am 1 1/2 hours away from there

No kidding, if you are willing to buy some, I’d gladly pay for them.

@TexAMR and i would chip in for gas and lunch… :slight_smile:

I second that! Aww com’on with 20 characters!