I have several of these. They work very well and the device type is perfect. Just keep in mind that since this is a custom device type, if you use them in the Smart Lights app, that won’t be locally processed but cloud processed. Here’s the discussion:
Looking to buy your significant other some jewelry for the holidays? Spend $499.99 or more at Helzberg Diamonds and get a FREE Amazon Echo
With this deal everybody wins! (minus your wallet)
Lol, you know you’ve made it as a small appliance when you’re a giveaway in a diamond purchase…
$500 in jewelry would probably not be enough for me to survive getting a 2nd Echo.
Both my HD’s are cleared out and I really need these, I need about 10 packs
Got photos in case my store doesn’t have them marked down.
I scored HUGE on the Lowe’s GE switches. I guess it’s only fair that ZERO of the Home Depots in my area carry any of the Quirky Trippers. I would’ve bought a ton. I’d even road trip a bit if I had any idea where I could find a decent amount in stock. Any ideas on how I could look for which stores in my surrounding area would have them?
A skew would be awesome so that I could check online at the HDs near me…
The SKU for these is 1001375113
Hi I don’t know where everyone is but Manhattan store has 56 in stock
Out of stock within 100 miles of me.
Wanna pick me up about 6?
Check out my Post 1066 in this thread -
Needed this to finish off my Christmas list, oops, got a free Echo too. Great one!
Well I would but I am 1 1/2 hours away from there
No kidding, if you are willing to buy some, I’d gladly pay for them.
@TexAMR and i would chip in for gas and lunch…
I second that! Aww com’on with 20 characters!