Hello, I reported a support case more than a month ago, After to weeks a a got a en email asking to agree that they can login to my account. I answered that email prompt and then another 2 weeks a got a new email asking if I can try diffrent things - I replied again prompt that this didnt work and now another 2 weeks has passed without any answere.
The problem is I have 2 sceenes listed in the classic app, they are not visible in the new app and when I try to open sceenes in IDE it gives me an error saying an error accured for listing the sceenes.
Also these 2 sceenes also shows in Alexa, I remove them but they get listet again.
Is this normal response time for support @ smartthings ?
Thanks you so much for your reply, I cant edit the sceenes as when I do this in classic app it says these was made by a newer version. When I look in the new smartthing app there are no sceenes listed there.
When I create 2 sceenes in the app with the same name I get 2 sceenes in new app, double up in classic and double up in alexa. I created. may 7 weeks ago, noticed there was double up in alexa.
Yes, I’m the owner of the location and no one share this with me. I had other scenes but delete those to try to empty scenes. For now there are no listed scenes in the new app but there are 2 listed in classic app.
I have tried to reinstall the new app, but still no scenes. When I goto location in IDE and click scenes i get a error listing scenes. Deleting those 2 scenes in Alexa app and do a discover these 2 scenes comes back. I have tried now for almost 6 weeks for diffrent approaches.
Tried the IDE in incognito window, same error.
Tried recreate these scenes in new app, then I end up with double up in classic app, double up in Alexa and 2 scenes in new app.
Contacted support to have them delete these 2 scenes, but no answer from them.
There is a chat platform to the UK support of you want to get some help quicker then the email. They are probably flooded now and working from home, so answer time might be slower.
Otherwise I am tagging here one of the SmartThings Engineers who might can help you to remove those ghost Scenes.
@Brad_ST, could you give a hand on this issue, it seems like something has went wrong on the cloud side where Scenes are stored. Thanks!