CoRE doesn't open

Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere. I’ve noticed recently that CoRE pistons are not running. So I went to check it out and realize that the CoRE smart app itself doesn’t open. I just get the busy spinning wheel then nothing happens. Not getting any logs for it.

I’m on the most recent version of the ST mobile app and the latest version of CoRE.

Anyone know what’s going on? If I delete the smart app and reinstall I lose my pistons right?

Any errors in the logs?

None unfortunately. I checked again this morning. Nothing there. I should be looking in the IDE logs right?


Possibly an errant piston or something causing the app to not want to open?

Do you see anything unusual listed in your IDE under Core smartapp?
Does the web interface still open?

Stilll no logs. Not sure what else to do. Reinstalling will lose my pistons right?

What web interface?

The core dashboard, I copied the link and put it on my desktop. If you haven’t done that already you may be in a tight spot since core won’t open

You should still be able to look in the IDE under location, smart apps, core. To see if you can see anything unusual.

How many Pistons do you have?

Not many. 5-7.

I can see it in the IDE under location, smart apps, core. I hit update but there was “an error”. Also, unlike the other smartapps here, when I hover over Core, I do not get any additional info or feedback.

I feel i’m getting closer and closer to having to reinstall, but I’m not sure how I got here in the first place. Want to avoid this in the future.

Update and publish again. Do you use github or copy&paste?

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That worked! Thanks @ady624! I republished that app and that seems to have done the trick. Actually opens faster now. I use Github for reference.


I’ve seen that happening before… which is why I asked :wink: glad it’s now working