CLI Capabilities:Translations yaml/json output

I’m trying to pull a json/yaml for an existing capability out of the CLI to use as an example, and the command to fetch a particular locale is reverting back to the list of locales when the -j or -y flag is included. This is using the 1.0.0-beta.15 version of the CLI, and using the commonsmall09402.listExample example that @nayelyz posted in another topic:

  1. List the available locales (smartthings capabilities:translations commonsmall09402.listExample):
 #  Tag
 1  en
  1. Get a json of #1 (smartthings capabilities:translations commonsmall09402.listExample -j):
        "tag": "en"
  1. Get the details for a particular locale (smartthings capabilities:translations commonsmall09402.listExample 1 en):
Tag: en

 Name          Label            Description  Template
 attr          Attribute label               {{attribute}} of {{device.label}} is {{value}}
 attr.option3  list option 3
 attr.option1  list option 1
 attr.option2  list option 2

 Name           Label      Description
 setAttr.value  undefined
  1. Try to get a json of #3 (smartthings capabilities:translations commonsmall09402.listExample 1 en -j) but the result is the same as #2:
        "tag": "en"

Hi, @philh30.
I already reported this issue, please request this info directly from the ST API. It is in the Capabilities endpoint:{capabilityId}/{capabilityVersion}/i18n/{locale}

Here’s a sample using Postman:

Note: Please, remember you need to use a Personal Access Token in the Authorization tab:

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